🔥Every curse is broken off my life through the finished work of Jesus Christ. He took my curse so I could be a blessing.

🔥Temptation is an invitation to failure. I will not willingly sabotage my destiny for anything or anyone. The LORD empowers me to avoid evil and pursue good.
🔥GOD did not send me to the earth giftless. Every dormant gift in me is being activated and stirred as I honor the LORD, pursue His plan for my life and seek to develop my gifts.
🔥 My heart is my responsibility and I choose to keep it free from offense, pure before GOD and full of His Word.
🔥My Words have power. My tongue frames my world. I speak only what I desire. I prescribe outcomes and pursue solutions.
🔥I am prophetic in nature. I don’t deal in falsehoods. My eyes are open to Truth. I speak the Truth lovingly and with great wisdom.
🔥 Because I am committed to being generous and loyal, I reap a harvest of generosity and loyalty.
🔥I take care of my spirit, soul, and body and am therefore full of wisdom, health and life.
🔥I will fulfill the number of my days and the pleasure of the LORD will prosper in my hands.
Someone shout – HALLELUJAH 🔥🔥🔥