Manna Devotional 6th March 2023 – THE POST OFFICE ENCOUNTER:

Manna Devotional 6th March 2023



Daily Manna ODM
Daily Manna ODM

CLICK HERE TO READ Daily Manna Devotional 6th March 2023 BASIC SCRIPTURE

I read a story that touched my heart many years ago. The story goes thus: “At a post office, an old man approached a young man he had never met before. Manna Devotional 6th March 2023 – THE POST OFFICE ENCOUNTER:

The old man asked the young man, “Hello, would you address this postcard for me?” The young man did as the old man wanted and even offered to write a short note for the old fellow.

Finally, the young man asked, “Now is there anything else I can do for you?” The old man paused for a while and said, “Yes, at the end could you add, “Please excuse the sloppy handwriting.”

Wow!Amazing!Whatan ungrateful old man! If it was me or some of us, I/we would have probably taken the postcard back and written more “sloppy” things on it! (Laughs)!

Manna Devotional 6th March 2023 – THE POST OFFICE ENCOUNTER:

This is a New Year and there are so many people who are like that old man! They do not even know how to say thank you for any good done for them; whereas the scripture admonishes us to give thanks in everything (1 Thess. 5:18).

Like the Israelites, they complain about everything, from the very least to the greatest trial. Do you have an ungrateful attitude? God has no pleasure in complainers and murmurers.

Manna Devotional 6th March 2023

UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE ARE WASTERS! BE FAR FROM THEM THIS YEAR! Concerning yourself, be grateful for where you are today and the little you have.

You may not have gotten all you wanted, but sometimes, you need to thank God for what did not happen! Thank Him for the thing He stopped that you knew nothing about! Oh!

See below: God may not always give you all you want and how/ when you want it; not because you don’t deserve it, but because YOU DESERVE BETTER! That is why with God, DELAY is not DENIAL! Delay is a preparation for the BEST!

Manna Devotional 6th March 2023

You must hold on because there is more to you than your yesterday! A brighter and fruitful tomorrow awaits you as you remain positive and grateful in all things!

If you pause to think, you will have cause to thank! Count your blessings; not your troubles! ODM IN AMAZON! To order your copy of ODM online, visit

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Higher ground…


  1. Prayseriouslyagainstmurmuring, complaining and ungratefulness in your life! I shall be grateful to people!

  2. Lord,in this year 2023 UPROOT UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE
    out of my life/ministry (Pray it seriously). Manna Devotional 6th March 2023 – THE POST OFFICE ENCOUNTER:

3 .Lord,I have chosen to be grateful to You! I am not perfect,but I thank you for LOVING ME ANYWAY!
4. My BEST is yet to come! Pray for a better tomorrow.
5. Pray about today and worship God now!

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