Daily Manna ODM 5 September 2023

READ BASIC SCRIPTURE: Daily Manna ODM 5 September 2023
Try to count the number of times that “The word of the Lord came to Élijah” was mentioned in today’s scriptures. Manna for Champions 5 September 2023 – GOD HAS NO GRANDCHILDREN!
Our emphasis again today is: In this 2nd half of the year 2023, DON’T RUSH TO YOUR DESTRUCTION! No matter how fiery the battles and heat of life may be, always create time to be still and know that He (JEHOVAH) is your God and the God of your family (Psalm 46:10).
He says He will be exalted in your life if you don’t panic! Manna for Champions 5 September 2023 – GOD HAS NO GRANDCHILDREN!
Don’t unnecessarily allow another person to hear from God for you. God does not have grandchildren! We are all His children! He can speak to you, just as He speaks to your pastor. He is no a respecter of persons.
See today’s scripture Verse 34: “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, ‘Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” God can use a SAMUEL to speak to an ELI!
He has no respect for how many years you have been BORN AGAIN! A child is a child! Wow! The words of a song that has blessed lives, will be a reminder of what our attitude in crisis should be:
Be magnified O Lord, You are highly exalted, And there is nothing you can’t do, O Lord, my eyes are on you, Be magnified, O Lord, be magnified.
Put your eyes on Him, and open your inner ears (your spirit) to hear. Manna for Champions 5 September 2023 – GOD HAS NO GRANDCHILDREN!
You and your family will never be failures in your generation. Hearing from God and finding direction is a very vital step in tough times. In this year 2023, when confused concerning any issue, always wait on the LORD before taking any decision.
Remember that at such times, to say “NO,” is better than saying “YES.” It is easier to change “NO” to “YES” than “YES” to “NO.” Avoid rushing into hasty decisions because HURRY always leads to SORRY! Pray now!
NOTE: ANYONE READING ODM VIA ANY BLOG, WHATSAPP OR FACEBOOK GROUP , etc, WITHOUT buying from our website(www.ourdailymannaworldwide.org), isAIDING AND ABETTING PIRACY!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
Lord, I shall not look down on myself! Anytime I take my eyes from You, disappoint that plan (Pray it very well).
God has no grandchildren! Lord, speak to me/give me direction in the following areas of my destiny (Mention it/them now).
Pray in Tongues for at least 7 minutes now. Bind: THE SPIRIT of HASTE, SELF -PITYAND DEPRESSION. Manna for Champions 5 September 2023 – GOD HAS NO GRANDCHILDREN!