ODM August 2019 Day 11
Basic scripture: Isaiah 3: 1-11
Welcome to another STORY to GLORY hour! Ecclesiastes 8:12 says, “Though a sinner do evil and his days be prolonged, yet surely, I know that it shall be well with them that fear God” Also. Isaiah 3:10 says: “Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.”

ODM August 2019 Day 11
Thank God for His MERCY DAILY! Insist daily in this 2nd half of 2019, that it shall be well with you. Consider the tips below to provoke your all-round peace/goodness: Never allow the devil or your enemies to see your tears! Chase away worry though they may secretly crawl in! ODM August 2019 Day 11 – TOPIC: THESE STORY TO GLORY SECRETS!
Worry has never corrected any mistake and self-pity/grief has never brought back what has been lost. Be positive! There is always something to be thankful for! So, determine to count your blessings even when it seems all is lost! If you can, start a charity that brings happiness to the poor and feeds the hungry, despite your many needs.
Honour the elderly/parents! Uphold the ties of kinship, honour your neighbours and care for orphans. Read useful, interesting and beneficial books monthly! “Be like a full tree with high aims/ambition – If a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruit drop. Ignore unhealthy criticisms! Say ‘No’ to wasting time with shallow people and spending hours in idle pursuit. Say “No” to exposing other people’s weak points/faults or backbiting about them, whilst forgetting your own faults.
Never give priority to wealth accumulation over your own health, happiness, sleep and peace of mind. Forgive your many mistakes of the past! Be patient with yourself and God! Life is in seconds and minutes, not weeks and years! So, live a day at a time and be focused on God even in your trials! Make modesty your watchword in all you do in this second half of this year (Philippians 4:5)! ODM August 2019 Day 11 – TOPIC: THESE STORY TO GLORY SECRETS!
Always remember: This world is never perfect for anyone on planet earth! There is no one on planet earth who is free from all kinds of distress or troubles. Even the most powerful man on earth today – the US president or the richest man in the world also have their problems! Envy no one! Look up to your God till your STORY to GLORY season shows up! Never, ever quit!
Look up to your God always! I decree it again: It shall be well with you and you shall eat the fruit of your doings in Jesus name! Declare Psalm 128 now! Note Vs 2. (ODM IS THE BEST GIFT ITEM)!
Wow! Follow me on my personal instaqram handle -ourdailymanna_bishopchris, my Facebook PAGE: bishop chris kwakpovwe ODM and personal Twitter: ODM_Dr Chris, ODM official instagram handle @ourdailymannaonline, Facebook official: our daily manna, Twitter: TweetODM. ODM August 2019 Day 11 – TOPIC: THESE STORY TO GLORY SECRETS!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: What a friend…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. O LORD, I receive Your Word that IT IS WELL WITH ME!
3. LORD GOD, single me out for a STORY TO GLORY testimony this year in Jesus name.
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This message is very apt. God’s name be praised!