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ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019 – WHAT LEGACY FOR THAT CHILD?

ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019


Basic Scriptures: 1 Samuel 3: 4-14; Proverbs 22:26

Years back, I read from a tract a story about a child who boarded a bus unaccompanied. When it was time to pay his fare, he only replied: “Jesus paid the fare.” The bus driver listened in awe as the boy narrated the story his mother (who was late) had told him that a man named “Jesus Christ” once came to the world and was crucified to pay all the debts he could ever owe!

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ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019

ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019

Very funny, but can you imagine the awesome power of teaching a child? The question the Holy Ghost is asking you today is: “What are you doing with the children God has put in your care?” Our 2nd Basic Scripture says: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Despite your busy schedule, when was the last time you told a child a Bible story or prayed together with a child?

They may not necessarily be your biological children! Don’t forget that the father of the former US president, Bill Clinton, died while he(Bill Clinton) was in his mothers womb. Other male relatives and his mother brought him up. By worldly standards, is he a failure today? A lot of us are so caught up in our daily activities that we hardly have time for the children!

We forget about THE NEXT PHASE of life – a time when these children will be separated from us and we will have empty nests (rooms) without them. It is the training we have given them that will remain with them. In the case of Eli, God judged his family because of his children! What will the children remember you for in the years to come? ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019 – WHAT LEGACY FOR THAT CHILD?

Listen to Jean Paul Richter: “What a father says to his children is not heard by the world: but it will be heard by posterity.” Close with the bombshell from Stacia Tauscher:
“We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” in this 2nd half of 2019, let God use you to be a great blessing to a child.

ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019

It Takes A Year To Prepare For The January World Anointing Night. Let God Use You! People’s Testimonies Shall Provoke Your Own. Sow Your World Anointing Night Seed To: Manna Miracle Mountain Ministry (Jwan) UBA Acct No: 1015310823 Or Into Any Account On Page 29 Of This Booklet!

PRAYER POINTS: Take a song to God in your native dialect.
1. Worship God! Pray for your children as you are led now.
2. REPENT from not spending time with your children.

  1. Make a promise to God, that your children must give Him
    pleasure: Ask for the grace to start again in their training.
  2. Pray for those believing God for the fruit of the womb.ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019 – WHAT LEGACY FOR THAT CHILD?

  3. Pray for those believing God for marriage partners.
    Assignment/Action: Tell your child/children Bible Stories today! If they are out of the home, SEND THEM A MOTIVATIONAL WORD today! ODM Bible Reading 19 August 2019 – WHAT LEGACY FOR THAT CHILD?

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Manka Edith
Manka Edith
5 years ago

Thank you Jesus for this has really touched because as a parent l have never told Bible story to my children.May God give me the Grace to do so

5 years ago

I’m blessed. God bless you Daddy .

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