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ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe – LAUGHTER RUBBERS MUST DIE!

ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe


PSALM 2: 1-5; Job 5: 21-22

Laughter is the one tool that throws confusion into the camp of the enemy, especially when the devil is doing his worst to fill you with depression and sorrow. Verse 2-4 of our first scripture says something interesting about God: When His enemies assemble themselves together to plot against Him and His purpose and His anointed ones (that include you and me), HE LAUGHS. That is His first response. HE LAUGHS. ‘He that sits in the heavens shall laugh…’ Read ODM 28 Nov. 2018 – Click here

ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

If your Father is laughing over the plots and sweat of your enemies over you, WHO ARE YOU TO CRY AND BE SORROWFUL? You need to understand what God understands about laughter: It is one of the best tools for confusing the enemy. It was Mark Twain that wrote: “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” Not even the devil can stand a God-inspired laughter! Hear Job’s friend in our 2nd scripture: “AT DISTRUCTION AND FAMINE, THOU SHALT LAUGH.”

Never let battles or the devil steal your laughter or your JOY because he knows that the JOY of the LORD is you strength! LAUGHTER RUBBERS MUST DIE! Mark Twain also opined: “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” Maybe from how the year has been, you really cannot find a reason to laugh and rejoice! But God is using today’s devotional to say to you: Stop Looking Around And Stop Looking Within! Look Up To The Greatest One Living In You! When you look at God, you will find reasons to laugh and rejoice!

ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

As 2018 ends, when people hurt you and you are tempted to get angry, just LAUGH! Wayne Dyer said, “It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.”

Face the world daily with a smile on your face! No matter how ugly things look, DON’T TAKE OFF THAT SMILE! A great woman once said, “The greatest make-up a woman can wear is beautiful a smile.” It is not just true for women, but for men also. If you will just look well at how good God has been to you and how good He can be, you will find a million and one reason to smile and LAUGH AT THE DEVIL. Put on your laughter clothes today and keep the devil and all your enemies in a state of permanent confusion! Laugh at the devil NOW!

Still give out this 4th quarter ODM copy to souls! I see NEW FAVOUR coming on you for every copy given out! ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe – LAUGHTER RUBBERS MUST DIE!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best song of worship as led now.
1. Thank God and pray about the word as led now.

2. I put on the robe of joy and celebration today. I decree: Every LAUGHTER RUBBER must dry up and die! My joy/peace cannot be stolen in Jesus name!

3. Every plan of the enemy to fill the remaining days of 2018 with pain and sorrow, scatter in Jesus name. ODM Daily 29 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe – LAUGHTER RUBBERS MUST DIE!
4. Pray in tongues now and laugh at the devil now!

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Grace Phiri
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