ODM Daily Devotional 2018 January Day 19
Basic Scripture: Exodus 3: 16-22
Vs 21-22 of today’s scripture says, “And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall come to pass that, when ye go, ye shall not be empty. But every woman shall borrow of her neighbor, and of her that sojournet in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.”

ODM Daily Devotional 2018 January Day 19
Note again: “YE SHALL NOT GO EMPTY.” Ah! God told Abraham what was going to happen to his descendants. God told him that they were going to go through affliction for four hundred years. But God gave him the promise that after the four hundred years, He would bring them out. In fact God said, “Not only will I bring them out,” but “I will bring them out with substance!” The LORD was saying: after your tears and battles, you will end your journey with GREAT SUBSTANCE! In this year 2019, you shall not serve the REWARDER! The God that fetches water with a basket to disgrace the bucket is saying to you: “It’s Pay Day!”
In this 21-day prayer and fasting programme, the God who disgraced Pharaoh after 400 years is saying: YOU WILL NOT GO THROUGH or END 2019 EMPTY! AT THE WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT OF 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS, your past shame shall become fame and your past/current battles shall become your STORY TO GLORY LADDER! Determine to finish this fast and sow your STORY TO GLORY SEED, then be AT THE WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT OF 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS! Ah! Something great is about to happen! Amen and amen! Pray now!
ODM Daily Devotional 2018 January Day 19
Today is DAY 15 of the 21-day fasting praogramme Open (PAGE 69) → CLICK HERE of “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 14” now and pray. Sow your STORY TO GLORY seed today and determine not to miss WORLD ANOINTING STORY TO GLORY NIGHT of January 25th! Time is 7pm! Bring SAND from your place of business, career, city or village square. Yes! This is your year!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led.
1. Pray about today’s word as led. ODM Daily Devotional 2018 January Day 19 – HE SAYS: YOU SHALL NOT GO EMPTY THIS YEAR!
2. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, show me Your REWARD! Show me Your GREAT SUBSTANCE! Show me Your GREAT FAVOUR this year in Jesus name.
3. Pray in tongues now!
4. Then pray about today and pray the above “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-14” prayers (page 69) in today’s fasting programme now! ODM Daily Devotional 2018 January Day 19 – HE SAYS: YOU SHALL NOT GO EMPTY THIS YEAR!
I am leaving empty handed in JESUS’S CHRIST’S MIGHTY NAME! !!
Praise God ! I have 2 major testimonies from 2018 Jan. & July tastings.God answered prayers when He saved me from a horrible motor accident on Feb 26th,2018. I’m still using walking stick up to now. Pls pray for perfect healing for me. I came over to UK to do a masters prog. thru prayers.
On 14th or 15th Jan., I paid £10 into Barclays bank account no:432 973 84.This is for my STGS. PLS sir, send me my GPPP. My name is W. Nkem Omajaja. Thank you.
God of Abraham, Isaac andJacob, remember me and all patakers of this fasting, show us your great substance and your great favour in 2019 and beyond!
We shall not end this fast without any results!
Do not let our mockers ask us: Where is your God?
We shall surely not end 2019 empty handed.
God bless you the man of God for this great revelation!!
More grace to all ODM crew!!
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