ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
BASIC SCRIPTURES: JOB 8:7; 42: 10-17
A serving governor in one of the states in South-West Nigeria gave a brief history of what he went through during his student days abroad. As a young man, he left Nigeria as far back as 1963 to study abroad where he spent 8 years. All his parents could send to him was just 8 dollars. His father could not afford more so he had to look for legitimate ways to survive. The young man had to survive by washing dead bodies (corpses) to support himself and go to school.
ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
Hear him, “I was washing dead bodies to support myself and to go to school. Whenever I got home from work, I would be weeping, remembering the number of dead bodies I had washed. My boss at work then said I should not be afraid or fear, adding that such a feeling was normal for first comers. He encouraged me to always see those dead bodies as iced fish. Against all odds I survived.” Yes, and these are the key words: “AGAINST ALL ODDS, I SURVIVED!”
The Holy Ghost wants you to know that AGAINST ALL ODDS, YOU WILL SURVIVE EVERY OBSTACLE! You will survive A LATE MARRIAGE, FINANCIAL SHAME, EVERY RIDICULE, and you will survive your HATERS! But the man who once washed dead bodies is today a Governor of a State in Nigeria! I remember with great nostalgia when Bishop Dr Chris, the publisher and pioneer of Our Daily Manna vision could hardly make ends meet. Many years ago, when ODM just started, to even eat was a battle because every penny was invested into this vision!
ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
His house furniture was so bad that they had allcaved in and had visible holes then. Today, the story is different! ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
Whatever your circumstances may be as you read this devotional today, bear this at the back of your mind: Your best days still lie ahead of you. In not too distant a time, they shall manifest in Jesus name. Hear Thomas Fuller, “All things are difficult before they become easy.” Just keep holding on!
Remember the words of the 2 friends of the old man Job in today’s 1st scripture, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” That shall be your story! The world will call you a SURVIVOR and your TESTIMONY AROMA will spread afar off! Amen and amen! Hold on!!! ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
PRAYER POINTS: Take any worship song/ODM Daily Hymns → Chick here to your God.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Father, I will not die in this state! AGAINST ALL ODDS and OPPOSITION, I shall survive and stand stronger! ODM Daily Devotional August 28 2018 By Dr Christ Kwakpovwe – TOPIC: YOUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD: YOU ARE A SURVIVOR!!!
3. My PRESENT STATE is not my FINAL STATE! My best is yet to come! Thank you Lord! Thank you for what You are doing and will do (Praise the LORD now for your wonderful tomorrow). Pray about today. See the morning, afternoon and evening prayers on pages 7-9 today/daily! → Click here
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Amen!! Be glorified oh GOD!! You are highly exalted! !
Amen! Your devotional has been blessing my spirit here in Asia. Please be putting me in your prayers. The person that brought me here has left and relocate to another city. It has not been easy. But I trust God, He is the God of sudden visitation. As far as Joseph survived in Egypt, I will survive, and as long as He visited the Israelites in Egypt, I know He will visit me in this quarter in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Thank you for the opportunity and blessing in this form, I am blessed and this is more convenient, God bless Pastor Chris and the ODM crew!