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ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018 – THE GOD OF “SURE!”

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018


Basic Scripture: Luke 8: 43-48

God has never started a project and abandoned it halfway! This is 2nd quarter of 2018 and the Holy Ghost wants you to know that no matter what is happening, the DIVINE AGENDA of your God concerning 2018 for you will not fail!
God is not a God that will get himself involved in something and then run out of steam before the end! He is not a quitter! He is a finisher! He is not just a finisher; He is a determined finisher who finishes with a perfect job! Read DAILY Manna 23rd May 2018 HERE

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018


ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018

Isaiah 53:4 begins with “SURELY…” Surely means certainly, infallibly, undoubtedly.” It means “without a doubt” It means a thing that cannot be questioned! It is unarguable! You can rise up anything to disprove it! It is undeniable! That verse says: “Surely, He has borne our grieve and carried our sorrows.” He has done it! He will SURELY FINISH it! ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018

Oh! I love this God! That is why I give Him all the glory for all the wonders at the Manna Mountains and through this devotional worldwide! Just be like the woman with the issue of blood! Be determined to wait until your change comes! Determination is the ability to keep trying and to keep moving towards a goal, no matter what. It is in getting back up no matter how you fall down. People who have mastered determination are not necessary people who have never failed, or even those who have failed many times. People with determination are those who get up and keep going, who learnt from what went wrong and adjust course, and who believe in themselves despite obstacles.

The difference between eventual success and failure can be a true sense of determination. I agree with Paul Meyer: “Construct your determination with sustained effort, controlled attention, and concentrated energy. Captured by those who dare to attack.” Yes indeed! Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your fixed life’s goals!

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018

WHEN YOU BECOME DETERMINED IN FAITH, YOU BECOME UNSTOPPABLE. This woman in today’s scripture was determined. No one knew her, no one was ready to help her, but she did not write herself off. LIFE HAD TURNED HER INTO A ONCE-UPON –A- TIME WOMAN, but she kept believing that her story would change and it changed! You will be the next to break the yoke of ONCE –UPON- A –TIME at the Ogudu Orieke, Lagos Anointing Service on this Saturday 8: 00am. She was not disappointed and you too will not be disappointed! HOLD ON AND KEEP MOVING! Something awesome will happen! Amen and amen!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 4: Stand up for Jesus… 
1. In your own words, pray seriously on today’s word.
2. Every yoke of abandoned projects that has delayed the testimony of my life, CATCH FIRE now by the Holy Ghost! ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 24th May 2018

3. Every demonic information that wants to deceive me and derail me from the path of DECORATION AND DANCING, I break your hold today in Jesus name. (Pray it seriously).
If you need deliverance, see your pastor or be at the Manna Mountain any Sunday 8am (OGUDU) or 8am (LEKKI). Always Pray the DAILY MANNA EVERYDAY DELIVERANCE AND BREAKTHROUGH PRAYER POINTS

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