ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018
Basic Scriptures: Psalm 105: 15; Numbers 12: 1-10
Welcome to this last month of this year! Psalm 105: 15 clearly states: “…Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” These days it is so easy to see believers use their tongues to destroy and spread messages that soil the reputation of God’s ministers across the globe! If you find yourself to have been caught in this error, use today’s devotional to make a U-TURN! Don’t miss Our Daily Manna ODM 2018 30 Nov. 30 – “Robert Schuller: God’s Grace In Tough Times”
ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018
A brother that lived in one of the West African countries told a couple of believers his own experience about “Touching God’s anointed”. He said: “I had earlier in the day spread rumours I never validated about a popular western gospel artiste and while I lay at night to sleep, the Lord Himself visited me and said these words to me –
‘Who are you to judge my servant?”
When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was plagued with leprosy (Numbers 12: 9-10). I call it “THE ERROR OF MIRIAM!” One of David’s guarded secrets was that he understood the principle of “TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED.” That is why he did not kill king Saul, Even though the king did wrong several times against him – 1 Samuel 26: 11. No wonder he became so great and even greater at death! Did Jesus of Nazareth not descend from him? ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018 – THIS SECRET OF DAVID
When children mocked God’s servant Elisha in 2 Kings 2:23-24, God allowed two bears to destroy 42 of the mockers! Guard your lips! Touching God’s servant with your mouth, heart or fingers is a sin! That a particular pastor or prophet/prophetess may not be perfect, does not give you the right to tear him/her down with your lips! Catch this: When men and women of God sin or make mistakes, the ONE who called them is very able to deal with them in His own way!
ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018
When you speak evil of them, God will fight you FIRST before even punishing/correcting them! Oh! God knows the men and women He calls and He knows they are not perfect even before He called them! But He knows that there is an ISRAEL IN EVERY JACOB! God judges them by who they can become and not who they are now! Don’t forget that they are also running their heavenly races and will give account of their souls!
Honour God’s servants and God will honor you!
The 2019 ODM and “War Against Haman – 14” booklets are out! Give them out as Christmas and New year gifts. Get your copies from your nearest bookshop now! Give to FAMILY/FRIENDS this month! ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018 – THIS SECRET OF DAVIDPRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God as led. Click here for ODM Hymns
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as led.
2. Thank God for this last month! Lord, surprise me for good!
3. I shall not become a victim of the ERROR OF MIRIAM! I reject spiritual or financial LEPROSY in Jesus name (Pray it well for three days). ODM Daily For Champions 1 December 2018 – THIS SECRET OF DAVID
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