ODM Daily For Champions Today 15th May 2018 – GO AND FAIL MORE

ODM Daily For Champions Today 15th May 2018


BASIC SCRIPTURE: judges 11: 1- 11

A little boy approached a very successful man and said ‘’ I want to be successful like you ‘’ and the successful man replied ‘’go and fail more.‘’ the little boy thinking that the man didn’t get what he said, asked him again. ‘’I want to be a successful man replied him once again ‘’ go and fail more’’ the boy said ‘’ but people will laugh at me if I fail’’ the successful man replied ‘’ they laughed at me too but many of them who laughed at me then, now pay me today to listen to how I failed and some work in my factory. Also read ODM Daily 14th By Dr Chris HERE

ODM Daily For Champions Today 15th May 2018

ODM Daily For Champions Today 15th May 2018

‘’ As the boy was leaving with a sad face, the successful man called him and said ‘’ don’t quit on your dream until people who will laugh at start working for you.‘’ In the year 2018, what the Holy Ghost is saying to you is the same advice that the successful man gave to the little boy: no matter how your past years have been don’t quit on your dreams until people who laughed start laughing with you. And indeed, men shall laugh with you don’t forget today’s scripture: those that once mock Jephthah later celebrated him.

Those that called him bastard (son of a harlot) later baptized him with praise and adoration (vs. 7-11) indeed, courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering ‘I will try again tomorrow’ (Mary Anne radmacher). Hold on and hold out! This world will hear your voice!

ODM Daily For Champions Today 15th May 2018

PRAYER POINT: Take song 2: Click here Blessed assurance……
1. Thank god for today’s word and pray as you are led!
2. I scatter every arrow of discouragement. Go back to sender in Jesus name.
3. Lord God, restore all my wasted years.
4. Holy Ghost, show up mightily for my decoration
5. Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace


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Isa Farouk God'swill
Isa Farouk God'swill
6 years ago

Am blessed

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