ODM DAILY June 26th 2024

Welcome! Vs. 13 of today’s Word says: “Let them praise the name of the LORD: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven.” To excel means to be ABOVE. It means to be number one. It means to be the WINNER AT LAST! In Hebrew, it means to be EXALTED. That means, wherever the name of the LORD is, NOTHING ELSE CAN BE EXALTED! They will all be demoted or to use my “ODM ENGLISH,” they will all be UN-EXALTED, DE-EXALTED, DEBASED, HUMILIATED, SUBORDINATED, DEGRADED, and DEPRESSED! That will be the portion of every performance opposer this year. They shall be degraded and humiliated! Pray today/daily using the name. It will RISE AND PUSH DOWN that sickness, disease, poverty, marital delay, etc. When you use that name, you rise above ALL your ENEMIES! Note again: “His glory is above the earth and heaven.” ABOVE means ON TOP! That verse summarized means: “Each time you use that name, you RISE (EXCEL) ABOVE (BE ON TOP) EVERY SITUATION! Declare this now: My horn is exalted. I rise above ALL my enemies and EXCEL above the following situations and circumstances (mention them)! I am ABOVE only and CAN NEVER BE BELOW! I shall be described as EXALTED and not DEMOTED. I shall be described as EXCELLENT and not DEBASED or DEGRADED. My enemies shall LICK my dust and they shall serve me by FORCE in Jesus name! ODM DAILY June 26th 2024
(Bless souls with the next July – September ODM copies). REMEMBER, THIS IS THE MONTH OF MERCY!
Sow a SEED OF MERCY into UBA ACCT NO. 1021784230. ACCT NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH or any account on page 29 of this booklet to help our visitation to Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly Homes, etc. Sow your MERCY SEED and do a CHARITY WORK this month!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any worship song to God as led.
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
- LORD, I EXALT and EXTOL Your name today above
all names and situations. - I command whatever is not of God in my life to be
debased, degraded and humiliated now by fire. - O Lord, my performance is not negotiable this year;
performance opposers, run mad in Jesus name. - I shall be described as excellent this year in Jesus name.
- Pray about today now as led – ODM DAILY June 26th 2024