ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018 – FOOD FOR THOUGHT – THE SEPARATING SECRET!

ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018



If the pure and sinless Saviour needed habitual communion with His heavenly Father to prepare Him for the right discharge of the duties of His life and ministry, how much more do Christ’s ministering servants, who are but sinful men/women, need such communion! What Will Separate You From Other Ministers In Your City Is Your Time Alone With God! What Will Make Others To Run To You For Power Is Your Time Alone Witn God!

ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018

ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018

What will turn your name from ORDINARY to SUPER-ORDINARY is your time alone with God. What will elevate you to the level of SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE is your regular visit to your DESERT PLACE! Yes! What will change your name from ICHABOD to BEULAH – A LAND OF GLORY, is your time alone with God! Start it today aggressively!

Zambia anointing service on Saturday September 29TH 2018. Venue: Dunamis Christian Centre, off Alick Khata road. Behind football house. Theme: “WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS MUST DIE” Contact details: +2609-777-997- 50, +2609-777-940-63, +2609-777-819-44, +2609- 777-893-71. There is a plan to break 5 happy marriages! It must be stopped at this programme! ONE NIGERIA ONE ODM! Sow towards the 1ST OCTOBER NATIONWIDE RALLY Tagged, “ONE NIGERIA, ONE ODM.”

The aim is to sow ODM into the life of every Nigerian on OCTOBER 1ST INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERY YEAR! Let God use you! Sow into any of the accounts on page 29 of this booklet and send SMS to ODM contacts. ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song.
1. Pray about today’s word as led now. 2. God of Esther, I receive grace to WITHDRAW from TV, social media platforms, useless visitations, unprofitable books or magazines, phones, etc, in Jesus name.

3. By the grace of God, I shall CREATE my own DESERT in Jesus name.
4. Holy Ghost, let it not be said of me that my name is now ICHABOD! Let it not be written about me that I am now a ‘ONCE-UPON- A-TIME’ MAN or WOMAN! 5. Holy Ghost, baptize me with FRESH FIRE and FRESH OIL again in Jesus name! ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018

6. Pray about the ZAMBIA ANOINTING SERVICE NOW! There is a plan to break 5 happy marriages! It must be stopped at this programme! ODM Daily Manna Reading 27 September 2018
7. Pray about today seriously as led now. See pages 7-9 – Click here


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
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