ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23



There was a young boy who was the son of a drifter. This boy worked as a store clerk for a while, but the store failed. He bought a partnership in another store, but it failed also. He ran for legislature and lost both times. He ran for vice president and lost. Yet, he became the 16th President of the United States. He was called Abraham Lincoln. There was another boy who was called a “slow learner.” A teacher recommended that he be withdrawn from school because of his seeming inability.

ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23
ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23

ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23

He tried to go to school in Switzerland, but failed the entrance exam. He was fired from three teaching jobs. At age 26, he won the Nobel Prize. His name was Albert Einstein. WOW! Here were men who suffered serious setbacks in life, roadblocks if you will, but they did the best they could do to become great in their fields. How much more important is it for a child of God to use the ability God has given him/her? Now, know that these two men HAD IN THEM ALL THEY NEEDED TO SUCCEED! Yes, setbacks will always show up, but ALL YOU IS NEED TO SUCCEED IS ALREADY IN YOUR INSIDE BY YOUR CREATOR! ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23 – THEY SUCCEEDED BY WHAT WAS IN THEIR HANDS!

All you need to shine on this planet is in your hands already! Battles only come to test you to see if you know what is IN YOU! There are many questions God asked man in the book of Genesis: “Where are you?”, ” who said you were naked?”, “Why are you laughing?”, “What is your name?”, “What is in your hand?”. Exodus 4.2-4 says: And the Lord said unto him, what is that in thine hand?’ And he said, ‘A rod.’ And cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, ‘Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail.’ And he put forth his hands and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:” Note the question, “What is that in thine hand?”

Moses had all it took to paralyze Pharoah but he needed to discover it! The same applies to you! ALL YOU NEED TO BE ELEVATED in 2020 is ALREADY in your hands! It’s in you! Oh, thank you Jesus! You have authority! You have power in your longue! You have the FAVOUR NO MAN OR PROFESSOR CAN EXPLAIN! There is a champion, a lion, a king and a hero in you! If you fail in this life, It is your fault and you must apologize to your generation. In this fasting programme and beyond, WHAT IS IN YOU and WHAT IS IN YOUR HANDS will be activated. If Moses, Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein succeeded and were ELEVATED, so can you! ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23 – THEY SUCCEEDED BY WHAT WAS IN THEIR HANDS!

Pray now with “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 15” DAY 13 prayers on page 64 –  CLICK HERE, then never miss the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT at TBS, Lagos, on January 31st, 7pm. I am commanded to anoint your hands and
feet! THERE SHALL BE HAND DELIVERANCE that night! Sow your, “ELEVATION ‘HAND DELIVERANCE’ SEED”, and pray the Psalm that will be sent to you, then bring anything containing your picture to TBS! NEVER, ever, give up! This is your year! (Give out more copies or cartons of the booklet and I shall respond to you prophetically via whatsapp or text to +234 903 264 8292
or e-mail: orderodm@gmail.com).

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Blessed assurance… – CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Thank you Jesus for what You have done so far in this fasting programme!
3. O LORD, open my eyes to discover my own ROD in 2020! Show me
WHAT IS IN MY HANDS, to the disgrace of the Pharaohs of my destiny in Jesus name. ODM Devotional January 2020 Day 23 – THEY SUCCEEDED BY WHAT WAS IN THEIR HANDS!


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