ODM Devotional May 31 2019



Welcome to this STORY to GLORY hour with He that is called the CONSOLATION of ISRAEL – Luke 2:25! Allow the Holy Ghost to use the lines below to ACTIVATE you for GREATER speed to your PROMISED LAND! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines/FE AR. Sail away from the safe harbour! Catch the trade winds in your sails! Explore!

ODM For April 2019
ODM Devotional May 31 2019

ODM Devotional May 31 2019

Dream! Discover” – Mark Twain. “The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, ‘I wish someone would come by and turn me on.’ What if they don’t show up? You’ve got to have a better plan for your life than that” – Jim Rohn. Wow! Heaven is again saying to someone: Others have their own battles! Be courageous because there are times like David (1 Sam 30: 6), when you have to encourage yourself in your warfront! Consider more wisdom tips from the armory of the wise: “No PESSIMIST ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.”- Helen Keller. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.”Failure is an opinion.

It is either an educational tool for starting over or an excuse breeding tool for saying it’s over” -Doug Firebaugh. “Believing a solution paves the way to a solution. JUST BELIEVE” – Dr. David Schwartz. ODM Devotional May 31 2019 – MOTIVATION BULLETS FOR ACTION

ODM Devotional May 31 2019

Close with the Holy Bible and motivate yourself into action: Joshua 1:9: “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Mr. Asa (today’s scripture, Vs 8), took courage and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim. Take courage and do what will make your generation never to forget you. Never, ever, give up!

Follow my Instagram page at: ourdailymanna_bishopchris, My Facebook: Chris Kwakpovwe and my personal Twitter: ODM_DrChris. Also, ODM instagram handle: ourdailymannaonline, ODM Facebook: our daily manna, ODM Twitter; TweetODM. Anew world of Daily Inspiration! ODM Devotional May 31 2019 – MOTIVATION BULLETS FOR ACTION

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: When the morning comes….
1. Thank God for the Word and pray as you are led.
2. Bind depression of any type. Bind stagnation too!

  1. O Lord, empower me to run faster in life and ministry.
  2. Pray in TONGUES over your life/ministry now! ODM Devotional May 31 2019 – MOTIVATION BULLETS FOR ACTION

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