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ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe



It was Katherine Ponder who gave this wise advice: “When you hold resentment towards another, you are bound to that person or condition to an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” The devil is on a wild mission to hurt you, deceived you. And stop you from moving forward in life, family and ministry. ALSO READ 

ODM For April 5 2018 By Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

And one of thing he uses is STIRRING OTHERS TO OFFEND YOU! If he can’t stop you from praying, attending church meetings, fasting, giving, living holy and doing every good thing that you have leant to do, he is going to us the people that you love to get you. This is why forgiveness is important. Yes! It is extremely important! If you cannot be offended, there is nothing the devil can use to stop you. ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

If you refused to be hurt or offended By what people say or do to you or about you, You have become unstoppable. You Become A Hard Nut For The Kingdom Of Darkness To Crack! Hear the word of Jesus, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Even on the cross, he refuse to he refused to be offended! One time, they tried to stone him, but he refused to be offended. Another time, they said he was casting out demons using the devils power. He still refused to be offended. His trusted disciples and friends betrayed him, and then another one denied him. Yet, he refused to be offended!

His forgiveness may not have change those people, but if he did not forgive, he would not have being able to fulfill destiny. Hears the word of Louis SMEDES, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Simply amazing! Refuse to be held in any kind of demonic prison of hurt and resentment as 2018 progresses. Let go of everything, forgive and move on with your life. Your future is brighter than every ugly thing that people have done or said to you in the past. I am led to repeat: DON’T BE KIDNAPPED BY YOUR PAST! Let go and let God!

ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

Still give out extra copies of our daily Manna and New Children/teens ODM as into Someone’s life To Help Him/her To Achieve Victory over life battles In This Second Quarter of This Year. An Extra Copy Will Provoke More Decoration For You! The Lord Said This At The Last Word Anointing Night! Remember: God Will Make Happen for You, What you Make Happen for Others! This Is Your Year!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: TIS so sweet… ODM For Champions 6 April 2018 by Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. I shall not be kidnapped by my past! I releases everyone who has hurt me in any way (mention the name of any one that has come to your mind now) I forgive them, I pray for their peace and welfare. ( pray this seriously)
3. I receive INTERNAL healings and peace from any kind of hurt today. In Jesus name. Pray about today as led. Now. See page 7 and pray the morning, afternoon and evening devotional prayers.

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Allesha Adebajo
Allesha Adebajo
6 years ago

This message was tailor made just for me I receive it in Jesus name Amen

Allesha Adebajo
Allesha Adebajo
6 years ago

Amen He does thank you God for allowing me to hear you

6 years ago

daily word!

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