ODM Today 5th October 2019 – YOU ARE NOT THEIR GOD!

ODM Today 5th October 2019



It’s been popularly reported that a right Harvard university graduate said: “My one big mistake in life has been providing a trust fund for my five children. I’m very comfortable paying for an education for as long as they want to study in a reputable university. However, providing additional funds so they could have a lifestyle beyond what they have achieved on their own was a mistake”.

ODM Today 5th October 2019


ODM Today 5th October 2019

A leadership teacher, John Maxwell says “If you do everything for your children, what will they do for themselves?” By the time they finish university education, we have slaved and built houses for them, put car keys in their hands, bankrolled their weddings when they’re getting married. What then will they do for themselves?

In the course of doing these for them, some people develop hypertension and all sorts of illnesses. Some slump and die. Some steal to achieve these luxuries for their children. Inheritance goes beyond material things. Give them the right values, strong character and a revelatory knowledge of the power they carry as an extension of God: they will create water to sell in the desert and sell sand to the Arabs to build mansions for themselves.

Do something for your children to make them have a softer take off but do not take over that YOU ARE NOT THE GOD OF YOUR CHILDREN. You are their parent or guardian! Their ULTIMATE PROVIDER is Jehovah God! Let those you are helping know this. Yes!

Proverbs 13:22 (NIV) says: A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children… “but balance it with Vs. 24: “He who spare the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him”. So leaving an inheritance without training, then that inheritance will be ABUSED! Tell your children HOW TO MAKE THEIR OWN MONEY! Allow them to make their own mistakes!

ODM Today 5th October 2019

And let them know that if God could do it for you, He can do it for them! Always remind them that the only thing guaranteed to them is A GOOD EDUCATION and a FANTASTIC ROD (balanced training)! Nothing more! If they get a house or cash from you, it is a privilege, not a right! Make sure you enjoy your little blessings or wealth as much as possible because your children might even go to court to fight themselves after your death – WILL or no WILL! Oh what a life! STOP PLAYING GOD!

ODM is interdenominational! If you need deliverance, see your pastor or be at the Manna Mountain this Sunday, 8am (OGUDU, Lagos), 9am (Lekki, Lagos).

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of praise as led
1. Thank the LORD for His care now! Worship Him now!
2. Repent from ways in which YOU HAVE ACTED AS GOD to your children!

  1. Repent from thinking that MONEY can take the place of discipline!
  3. Pray seriously for your children today (mention names). Loose their success and salvation.

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Martha Baidoo
Martha Baidoo
5 years ago

Praise God. I have been a user of this life changing devotional for about 10 years. I’m a Ghanaian soldier, currently on missions in Lebanon. I was worried about how to get a copy of the last quarter’s Devotional. So I’m happy for this App because now I can have access to the word of God on my phone. God bless you man of God

YARO Jinan
YARO Jinan
5 years ago

I am thanking God our daily manna apps.

5 years ago

I have been a user of this powerful devotional ODM since 2008, when my boss gave me a copy. After that day I became addicted to it on daily basis. When I was living in Nigeria I don’t miss any of the monthly publications nor the mountain meetings at Ogudu or TBS Lagos. Now abroad it usually take weeks and atimes months before I get a copy sent to me from Nigeria. Now I don’t need to worry myself about if I am getting a copy for the month or not because with this app I read even the ones I missed earlier this year. Thank you Dr Chris for allowing God to use you as a blessing to my generation. ODM has been a good companion to me and my family every morning, my wife is also a faithful user of the devotional and I will continue to gladly recommend this spiritual meal to all my friends here in Europe. God bless you real good sir.

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