Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
It was Alton Paton who wrote about the love of God:
“This love is not a partial skeptical love which seeks to embrace only those who echo our feelings, hopes, aspirations, likes and dislikes is it reciprocal. Rather, it is love that is trusting and opens towards all, both friends and foes. It is unsuspecting and it seeks to win over the opponents even as he may be planning to stab us viciously in the back.” Wow! Win over an opponent that is planning to stab you viciously in the back? Oh! Lord, help us in 2018! Never Miss ODM Daily 29 March 2018 by Dr Chris
Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
The Holy Ghost wants you to be reminded that there is something called, NONRECIPROCAL LOVE! It is also called UNDESERVED LOVE! That is, loving your spouse, children, business, associates, relations, church members, friends etc even when they sound as if they are HEADQUARTERS OF EVIL’ to us, that means even when they are cruel to us, we must love them! From our basic scripture in Matthew 5 vs. 48, Jesus said we must aim for perfection after God, as OUR ONLY MODEL!
That means we are going to love all humanity- cruel or kind, for God is love (John 4: 16-21). WHILE WE WERE ENEMIES OF GOD AND SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US. THIS IS NONRECIPROCAL AND UNDESERVED LOVE. What good did Stephen’s killer do to him, before he prayed wonderfully for them? (Acts 7:56-60). This is NONRECIPROCAL love and it may have led to the conversion of Paul through that divine visitation by the LORD Himself near Damascus! Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
Where was it recorded in your Bible that Mr. POTIPHAR apologies to Joseph? After becoming Prime Minister, the second in command in Egypt, sought revenge for her lies against him and for her cruelty against him! Oh! Sometimes I am tempted to change my name to Bishop Chris (Joseph) KWAKPVWE because I admire his heart! If I was the one or like millions of us, my first assignment as a Prime Minister would be to set up a special tribunal/civil court to try that wicked woman BEFORE HANGING HER on ma gold winter day! But not Joseph!
Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
What a man and what a heart! But don’t forget his God is yoke God and in this year 2018, God wants you to walk DAILY through the JOSEPH STREET!’ Love people that do not deserved it! You want to be DECORATED champion? Walk through the JOSEPH STREET” DAILY! Shalom!
Help a SOUL DAILY. Give out the next ODM edition as a SPECAIL Easter gift. NEW CHILDREN ODM and NEW MODM CARTOON are also available.
PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: Draw me nearer…
1. I receive the rain of grace to love to unlovable this year! Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
2. Pray the devotional prayers on page 7 of this booklet now.
3. Use the “The Bible- in- one –year” plan at the back of this booklet DAILY! Our Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 30 March 2018
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