Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020
BASIC SCRIPTURE: Psalm 107: 23-43
I got this FIRE BULLET last year 2019 and it will encourage you! It shows that the God you serve is ‘He that setteth the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock” (Psalm Psalm 107:41). HE IS A FAMILY MAKER! Thank you LORD Jesus for more mighty things You will do this year. “Dear Bishop, I want to fulfill my vow by testifying to the glory of Our OVERDO GOD. I took part in the 21-day fast for this year (2019), and I prayed that He (Our OVERDO GOD) should give me my own wedding ring. I sowed a small seed and my Psalm was given to me which I prayed with.

Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020
God crowned my head with honour and re- laid my foundation with precious stones. What we could not do in 11 years. He did in His own way and time. ALL marriage rites were completed within 6 months (24/04; 16/06 and 14/9) respectively this year (2019). Indeed it is my year of story PSALM 107: 23-43 to GLORY. My year of showcasing God’s mercies. God is INCREDIBLE! We’ve set new records in our various families. Thank YOU FATHER! My name has changed from Miss to MRS. God is FAITHFUL-(edeehills05email.com).” Wow! The incredible God! My prayer is that you will receive GRACE to obey every PROPHETIC INSTRUCTION given in this booklet. I am dust and the least of all men, but the HAND of the LORD in my will make a difference in that DELAYED ANSWER battle to your prayers!
The God who ordered me to DROPPHARMACY will not allow you to end up in shame! EACH YEAR, He gives me the focus/theme of the anointing night 10 MONTHS AHEAD (February every year). She wrote that last year was indeed her “STORY TO GLORY YEAR.” You will testify that INDEED, this year has been your UNCOMMON ELEVATION year! You will be ELEVATED BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION! She sowed a seed during the fasting programme and PRAYED THE PSALMS that were sent! Even if you or your wife are sent the SAME PSALM, it is not a mistake! I am led to pick these PSALMS to send out and the LORD has done GREAT things through praying these PROPHETIC PSALMS! Do all you can never to miss the last ANOINTING NIGHT of this fasting programme!
Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020
I was ordered by my “3 FRIENDS” (the TRINITY) to anoint your feet and hands that night! I see DELAY YOKES BREAKING! What she could not get done in 11 years was done in 6 months! This is DIVINE ACCELERATION and that same GRACE will locate your 2020 fasting prayers and your destiny this year! This year you will be walking when others are crawling! You will run when others are walking and you will be flying when others are running! This year like Daniel, you will outrun and outshine your competitors (Daniel 6:1-3). Aha! You will overtake every overtaker and silence the silencer! What is taking others 20 years will take you 20 days! Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020 – THE INCREDIBLE GOD OF SPEED – AFTER ELEVEN YEARS
She wrote in her testimony above: “We’ve set new records in our various families.” This year, the LORD will use you to re-write your family history for good and your God will make you a RECORD BREAKER! Yes! This is your year! TODAY’S FASTING PRAYERS-SEE page 21 OF “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 15” booklet → CLICK HERE. Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Blessed assurance… → CLICK HERE
1. In your own word, pray over today’s word as led now. Our Daily Manna 13 January 2020 – THE INCREDIBLE GOD OF SPEED – AFTER ELEVEN YEARS
2. Thou INCREDIBLE GOD, do the incredible and do what will make men dance with me and declare: “THIS IS INCREDIBLE!”
3. Lord, arresting and obstructing powers are stopped.
God of Elevation,elevate me this year,change my marital staust from Miss to Mrs this year oh Lord.
Amen and amen
Amen and amen
Amen…use me to rewrite the history of my family dear Lord!
Amen !
Oh Lord pls give me my testimony too this year change my name from Miss to Mrs in Jesus mighty name. Amen how do I sow the seeds pls?
God of Elevation elevate my husband and my family this year give us testimonies this year.