Our Daily Manna 14 August 2023

Welcome and please connect to yesterday’s devotional story! In the human body for instance, there are certain parts of the body we don’t see, but which are crucial to the overall performance of the body.
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In the same vein, in business there are certain people behind the CEO, or in Christian ministry, there are people around the SENT MAN/WOMAN who I call, “BEHIND-THE-SCENE- WORK-FORCE.” These people are the brains behind successful hitch-free and powerful jobs/services and they are as important as the CEO or pastor, etc.
Don’t Join Those Who Are Fighting To Be Seen! Your SLOGAN MUST BE:”MORE OF HIM; LESS OF ME.”
And what the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is: “Stay Where God Has Placed You And Don’t Struggle And Fight To Be Seen. Stop Being A Part Of Any ‘Office Or Church Politics.”
Stay where you are now and be diligent! ENVY NOBODY! I repeat for emphasis: Your SLOGAN MUST BE: “MORE OF HIM; LESS OF ME.” Your labour for the Lord who sees in secret may be unseen and uncelebrated, but it is essential.
When I Was A Young Believer 48 Years Ago, My Joy Was Always To Clean The Toilets In Churches Or holiday Camp meetings! I prayed never to be seen or popular! But that was the foundation that made me what I am today BY HIS GRACE! John the Baptist said in today’s scripture Vs. 30: “HE must INCREASE AND I must decrease!”
Working to be seen leads to SHAME and DISGRACE! Follow His footsteps and you will never know shame! GET ODM SOFT COPY FROM OUR WEBSITE:
To order a soft copy of OUR DAILY MANNA, visit our website: www.ourdailymannaworldwide.org
Our Daily Manna 14 August 2023 – THE BEHIND-THE-SCENE SOLDIERS – 2
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: There’s not a friend…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led. Our Daily Manna 14 August 2023 – THE BEHIND-THE-SCENE SOLDIERS – 2
Repent from being a position-seeker and fighting to be seen.
- John the Baptist said He (THE LORD) MUST (not may be)be seen and he (John) MUST decrease! I decree: More of Him; Less of me from this day! O God, I shall work not to be seen!
Don’t make me popular! Don’t make me to be praised! I am working for You alone! So help me LORD (repeat this prayer 7 times). Our Daily Manna 14 August 2023 – THE BEHIND-THE-SCENE SOLDIERS – 2
- Working to be seen leads to SHAME and DISGRACE!
- Pray in tongues now as you are led.
- Pray about today! Pray for pregnant women today! CANCEL DEATH!
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