Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018 – SHE TOUCHED HIM AND…

Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018


Basic Scripture: Acts 7: 54 – 60

Immaculee Ilibagiza is one the strongest women to have emerged from the fiery finance of the Rwanda genocide of 1994. Go back to MEMORY LANE: In just 100 days, about five hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand Tutsis were killed, many of them in the Kibuye province where Immaculee lived with her Tutsi family. Read – Our Daily Manna 16 November 2018 – “VIGIL DAY: I SHALL NOT LABOUR IN MY ENEMY’S VINEYARD!

Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018

Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018

The president of Rwanda was killed on April 6, and the following day, a systematic killing of Tutsis began. A couple of days later, her father arranged for her to hide in the home of an ethnic Hutu. On April 11th , Immaculee entered the bathroom of this ethnic Hutu (Hutus were the ones who were killing the Tutsis, but this man was different; HE WAS BOLD), where she lived, breathed and “agonized” in that tiny bathroom for more than ninety days ALONG WITH EIGHT OTHER TUTSI WOMEN. She was just 22 years old.

Immaculee lost everything and everyone: her father was killed along with her brother, her four grandparents and seven uncles. 80% of the country’s Tutsi population living in the Kibuye region was murdered. It took a great deal of boldness to endure the horror of those ninety-one days. Much more, it took boldness to forgive those who had murdered her family and many of her friends. After the genocide ended, she had the opportunity to visit the prison to see the man who had murdered her mother and brother, and who had been looking for her too.

Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018

As they told her the horrible things that this man had done, Immaculee was shaking. The man was sobbing in tattered clothes, full of shame. He couldn’t look at Immaculee’s face. He looted Immaculee’s home and robbed the family’s plantation. He stole her father’s machinery, killed Immaculee’s brother and mother and started looking for Immaculee to kill her too.

He looked up at her for a second and their eyes met. At that moment, Immaculee reached out and touched his hands lightly, and quietly said those three powerful words, “I FORGIVE YOU.” Her heart eased immediately! That was boldness to forgive! The same boldness caused Stephen to look up to God and say, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” Thank God for that prayer! God answered it and the ring leader of that execution, Saul of Tarsus, was saved a couple of days and went on to become the number one apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness comes on the heels of boldness! As 2018 ends, never let the devil use the hurt of the past to limit you. Let Go and let God! Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018 – SHE TOUCHED HIM AND…

This is my BIRTHDAY Month! Your Eleventh-Hour Miracle is my BIRTHDAY GIFT! So, don’t miss the Special November Anointing service of Saturday November 24th at the Lagos Ogudu Mountain, 8.am! See you!

PRAYER POINTS: Take a song of victory as led now.
1. In your own words, pray seriously on today’s word. Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018 – SHE TOUCHED HIM AND…

2. Father, I receive strength today and I let go of the hurt of the past concerning the following persons (mention names if possible). The devil will not use them to hurt my destiny in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna 17 November 2018 – SHE TOUCHED HIM AND…


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6 years ago

Congratulations and a happy Cherry birthday to our own Bishop Dr Chris,a father in Galilee and His wife a mother in Israel.May d Almighty God continue to bless u and the Whole ODM crew.
Daddy I also key into ur birthday gift which is my eleventh hour miracle.
Am still trusting God 4 a miracle Job 4 d past 9 years.I believe that our God will do it 4 me befo d end of this year 2018.
Once more happy birthday Sir,
#More of HIM and less of u#
#More grace sir#

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