Our Daily Manna 20 April 2024 THE SECRET OF “AS FOR ME”

Our Daily Manna 20 April 2024


Our Daily Manna
Our Daily Manna


One of the most important decisions you will ever make in life is the decision to be happy. Our 1st Basic Scripture makes it clear, ‘REJOICE IN THE LORD, AGAIN, I SAY REJOICE…’ God has not called us to drag our feet all over the place looking depressed, heavy, sorrowful, hating yourself, feeling inferior, sour and troubled. When you look at some people, you wonder if their own God is dead. They are always unhappy, bitter and negative. They always have one sour story to tell after another. Even when you encourage them to look on the bright side, they try their best to bring out a dark thing about that bright side. Reject that! The Word of God should lighten you up and fill you with joy unspeakable. Your joy is not a function of what is happening around you. Your joy should be based on what God has said and what He has written in His WORD. We have been called to be one of the happiest people on earth. The more joyful you are, the stronger you will be. Why? Because the joy of the Lord is your strength.If the devil cannot stop you from being joyful, he cannot stop you from moving towards your God-ordained destiny. Joy in the heart of a man is like the fuel that drives a car.JOY CAN PROVOKE DIVINE PERFORMANCE!Just as without fuel, a car will not go far. In the same vein, without joy, you will never go far in life, family and ministry! Your joy should be overflowing and contagious. Everywhere you go, SMILE BY FORCE. It is a choice you will have to make. I call it – “And as-for-me” choice. Joshua stood before Israel and told them, “Choose you today whom you will serve, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord…” That’s the kind of decision that you have to make when it comes to overcoming the discouraging situations of life. You tell yourself over and over, “As for me, I will be happy. As for me I will be joyful BY FORCE. Jesus Christ has overcome the world, therefore I will be joyful and cheerful. As for me, I choose to RADIATE JOY wherever I go.”

Pray now! ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 7am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 1: Stand up for Jesus…

  1. In your own words, pray as you have been ministered to.
  2. Satan, you have lost the battle! AS FOR ME, I choose joy! I
    reject depression or self -pity! I reject fear of the future or selfpity!
  3. Every garment of sorrow, being prepared for me from the pit of
    hell, BE DESTROYED BY FIRE NOW, in Jesus name.
  4. Father, crown my head with JOY UNSPEAKABLE! Fill my life
    with testimonies and fill my heart with a reason to dance! I shall
  5. Pray about today now! SCATTER every FACTORY of tears!

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