Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019 – ELEVATION IS COMING!!! HOLD ON!

Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019



No one can live a life of impact until he/she learns to give. Hear Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” If you have been making a living all these years, getting and getting and getting; when are you going to start making a life? What will people remember and celebrate you for: as a “TAKER” or as a “GIVER”?

Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019
Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019

Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019

Heaven Doesn’t Celebrate Those Who Just Make A Living. Heaven Celebrates Those Who Make A Life. The value of your life is not in how much you acquire and amass during your lifetime; rather it is in how much you give away and the impact that your life has on others. Is that not what the LORD Jesus told the man in Verse 15 of today’s second scripture? – “A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (MY PARAPHRASE).

IN OTHER WORDS, HEAVEN DOES NOT CELEBRATE “THE RICHEST MAN” ON EARTH. RATHER, HEAVEN CELEBRATES “THE GREATEST GIVERS ON EARTH.” The greatest givers are those who give promptly at every opportunity, give willingly, give cheerfully, and give bountifully. It’s not about the size of your gift, it is in the heart that you put into your giving, “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving” (Mother Teresa). Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019 – ELEVATION IS COMING!!! HOLD ON!

Start where you are today! As 2019 ends and in this Christmas season, put love into every gift that you give. The more you give, the more you will have to give! For example, you can start by giving out the next 2020 ODM and the “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 15” copies as Christmas/New Year gifts! ODM is the best gift item which can be in every HAMPER or gift package! Help someone participate in the upcoming 2020 January 21-day fasting programme (Jan 11th – 31st January 2020).

Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019

2020 theme is “MY YEAR OF ELEVATION!” And January 31st is the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT! Yes! It is a year when all you have laboured and prayed for in the past, shall show up in one word: ELEVATION! Get ready for a PROMOTION, an UPGRADE, a BOOST, and an ADVANCEMENT that will shock you! Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019 – ELEVATION IS COMING!!! HOLD ON!

Give out ODM copies now! 2020 is your sure year! Amen! The 2020 January 21-day fasting prayers! The 2020 ODM and “War Against Haman – 15” booklets are out! Give them out as Christmas/New Year gift items. Get your copies from any bookshop now! Give to Family/Friends this month! The “War Against Haman-15” booklet contains the 2020 January 21-day fasting prayers!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of praise as led now. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. I am a GIVER! Coveteousness and greed, you will not master my life! I break your grip over my life now in Jesus name.
3. Pray seriously now and make a fresh commitment to GIVE again!

Our Daily Manna 20 December 2019 – ELEVATION IS COMING!!! HOLD ON!


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Sande Harriet
Sande Harriet
5 years ago

Good morning pastor. How do I download war against Harman 15 for 2020

5 years ago
Reply to  Sande Harriet

will be available on this website odmdaily.com soon you read it online

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