Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I – CRUSH THIS MONSTER!

Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I



In 2012, the results of a worldwide research were released and the conclusion was that inactivity (or laziness) had become the third leading killer “discase” in the world; coming after heart disease and stroke. The report said that 5.3 million people die annually as a result of NOT MOVING AROUND! That’s 14,000 people every day! What causes the death of these people?

Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I – CRUSH THIS MONSTER!

They are people that could not spend as much as 30 minutes daily (five times a week) in some kind of physical activity (walking around, driving, gardening, singing and dancing, etc). These people are so glued to their chairs and seats (in front of television or internet/social media, etc), that death began to slowly overtake their body systems.

Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I – CRUSH THIS MONSTER!

LAZINESS KILLS! CRUSH IT BEFORE IT CRUSHES YOU! Proverbs 14:23 says -“In all labor there is profil, put idle chatter leads only to poverty.” Vs. 24 of today’s scripture says: “A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.” It means (paraphrased): “Many are too lazy to feed themselves. They are so lazy they need someone to put food in their mouths.” Wow! You cannot be in that category.

YOu cannot allow the rot of laziness to stop you from enjoying the long fruittul life that God has destined for you. Get active! Get busy! Reduce your television, Visits, or wasted time! Take time to walk with your kids down the street to a friend’s house. Cut down the time in front ot that computer sometimes.

Stop giving excuses; your life is more precious than all those distractions. Crush this monster called LAZINESS.” This is your they need year! Shalom!

Theme: “Family and Relationship matters-Marriage, Singles/Single Fathers/Single Mothers, Remarriage/Divorce, widows(ers), In-law issues, etc. Time: 10.00 a.m.( Nigeria time) Conect Via acebool: Ourdailymannaworldwide. Send in_your questions ahead before each session to: orderodm@gmail.com

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
1. in your Own words, pray over today’s word as you have been ministered unto night now.
2. I shall not DIE before my time in Jesus name.
3. Every seed of laziness in my heart and life producing fruits of failure, stagnancy or retrogression, DIE NOW, in Jesus name.
4. You evil hand of laziness trying to re-mould me into a failure and rob me of my glory and honour, be paralysed now.

Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I – CRUSH THIS MONSTER!

  1. I reject laziness. I choose diligence, in Jesus name. I will be diligent and I will stand before kings and not before mere men in Jesus name.
  2. Lift up your hands and decree this aloud now: “I Renew A Covenant With The Lord Concerning My Hands; My Hands Shall Be Diligent And They Will Make Me Rich, They WIll Make Many Rich. Whatever My Hands Touch Shall Prosper This Year In Jesus Name.” Pray about today as led now.


Our Daily Manna 22 April 202I – CRUSH THIS MONSTER!


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