Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018 – TOPIC: LITTLE DOORS THAT DROWN!

Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018



It was Gifty Akita who penned: “Rough times arouse the search for the right ways.” Imagine a long, dark corridor with a series of doors on either side. Written on each one is the name of an addiction such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, masturbation, gambling, food, TV, Radio, Mobile phones, Social Media, etc. And you are required or mandated to walk down that hallway on your journey to your Promised Land!

Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018

Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018

Those doors are so beautiful and well painted and the temptation to open those doors is high! You can hear the beat of music and the laughter of the voices inside. The pressure to join them can be so much on any human mind! And it’s very difficult to convince a soul seeking for solution/beauty out of gloom, that they should stay in the dark corridor, which seems to be boring and embarrassing. Yes, and satan is asking millions daily: “Why would you go through the NARROW ROAD and WAIT ON THE LORD, WITH PAIN AND MUCH SACRIFICE, when there is a BEAUTIFUL DOOR OF ESCAPE to fake-pleasure land?”

Unfortunately for a certain percentage of individuals who open one or more of these doors, a tragedy begins to unfold. If a person falls as a victim and there is no way to know in advance, he or she only has to crack the door an inch or two and a monster will run out and grab them. And some will be held in its grip for life till SHAME becomes their last bus-stop! Note that ADDICTIONS start small and harmless (See 2nd scripture)!

Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018

If you talk to an addict about his or her addictions, you will learn that it probably began casually with no hint that it was an ENEMY! It all started with opening a LITTLE door! Songs of Solomon 2: 15 talks of the LITTLE FOXES THAT SPOIL THE VINE! Do all you can by the help of the Holy Ghost to BREAK OUT of ANY DAILY HABIT or LITTLE ADDICTION that DRY UP YOUR FRESH OIL and EXTINGUISH (PUT OUT) YOUR FIRE FOR GOD! Whatever you are addicted to must go! Receive grace to put that mobile phone, e-mail, internet, sin, medicines, drugs, TV, magazines, etc, away!

SPECIAL ZAMBIA ANOINTING SERVICE Next Saturday September 29TH! Venue: Dunamis Christian Centre, off Alick Khata Rd. Behind Football House. Theme: “WEDDING GOWN ATTACKERS MUST DIE!” Contact details: +2609-777-997-50, +2609-777-940-63, +2609-777-819-44, +2609-777-893-71. Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led.
2. Lord, turn me away from every wrong door and THIS LITTLE HABIT that is DRYING ME UP (Mention, cancel and renounce them now) Our Daily Manna 24 September 2018 – TOPIC: LITTLE DOORS THAT DROWN!


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago


Mrs hirra Markus
Mrs hirra Markus
5 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus give me d grace to walk thru d narrow,dark n quiet road of life in Jesus name….Amen.

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