Our Daily Manna 26 June 2019



Let continue from a well-known family and a nephew of the late President . F. Kennedy of the USA. His father is the popular senator Edward Kennedy. Patrick Joseph Kennedy II is an American politician and mental health advocate. From 1995 – 2011, he served as a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives from Rhode Island’s 1st congressional district. Yes, he is from a rich, comfortable/powerful family, yet Mr. Patrick Kennedy was never happy and settled.

Our Daily Manna 2019
Our Daily Manna 26 June 2019

Our Daily Manna 26 June 2019

He had struggled with addiction and depression and at a stage crashed his car near the Congress Building at Capitol Hill. Hear him after he crashed that car: I simply do not remember getting out of bed that morning. In fact, I can’t recollect driving my car into any barrier.” Unbelievable! On that day, he could not remember getting out of bed! He was admitted into the great

Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota for treatment and has since become a MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATE AND CRUSADER in order to make society safer. Yes, the Holy Ghost wants you to learn to turn every LEMON to LEMONADE! Turn every BROKEN EGG to OMELETTES! God can allow some battles in your life because He knows that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM WHO LOVE HIM (Romans 8: 28)!

But what will make a man who is comfortable by all worldly standards to get into deep depression, drunkenness, reckless driving and frustration? Is it not true that the rich also cry? Vs 6 of today’s basic scripture talks about CONTENTMENT! So, the 2nd lesson from the Holy Spirit is that success is not money or fame! Be thankful for where you are and for what you have! Listen to Charles Lamb: “My motto is: “Contented with little, yet wishing for more.” Hear Isaac Singer: “Many a man has found the acquisition of wealth only a change, not an end of miseries.”

Our Daily Manna 26 June 2019

Thomas Adams said: The covetous man pines in plenty, like Tantalus up to the chin in water and yet thirsty.” Please enjoy all you have and lose all desire for things beyond your reach! Thank God for where you are! Learn from former congressman Patrick Kennedy: Becoming rich and famous does not guarantee stability in life and please always turn every FRUSTRATION into INSPIRATION! Pray now! (This Saturday and SUNDAY are the ODM ANNUAL FINAL DAYS OF MERCY.

SATURDAY IS MEDICAL OUTREACH, 9am OGUDU AND LEKKI Mountains! SUNDAY 30TH JUNE involves visiting Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly people’s homes, etc. Sow a seed of MERCY into UBA, ACCt NO. 1021784230 NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH to help buy food items, etc, to be given to these MERCY HOMES! MERCY WILL NEVER ELUDE YOUR ADDRESS! AMEN!).

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led. ODM Hymn Songs
1. Worship the Lord and repent from looking down on yourself or envying people with greater worldly goods than you.

  1. Thank God for where you are. Bind frustration/self-pity/greed!
  2. Lord, grant me the grace to be satisfied with what have.

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