Daily Manna For Champions June Day 27 2019
In the early 19th century, a young man in London aspired to be a writer. But everything seemed to be against him. He had never been able to attend school for more than four years. His father had been thrown in jail because he couldn’t pay his debts, and this young man often knew the pangs of hunger. Finally, he got a job nesting labels on bottles in a rat-infested warehouse, and he slept it night in a dismal attic room with two other boys from the slums of London.

Daily Manna For Champions June Day 27 2019
He had so little confidence in his ability to write that he naked out and mailed his first manuscript in the dead of night, so !hat nobody would laugh at him. Story after story was refused. Finally, the great day came when one was accepted. True, he wasn’t paid for it, but one editor had praised him; one editor had given him recognition. He was so thrilled that he wandered aimlessly around (he streets with tears rolling down his cheeks. The praise, the recognition that he received through getting one story in print changed his whole life.
If it hadn’t been for that I encouragement, he might have I spent his entire life working in J rat-infested factories. You may have heard of that boy. His name is Charles Dickens and what a great success he was and he became! He penned the award-winning, A TALE OF TWO CITIES,” the story of the French revolution. The Holy Ghost emphasis to you in today’s devotional two scriptures: NEVER QUIT ON YOUR DESIRES (Psalm 126:5-6).’ Help others and you will REAP HELPERS! You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7)! But before HELPERS show up, please hold on! Never forget that to the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the World!
Daily Manna For Champions June Day 27 2019
So, encourage someone to get to where God has destined for him/her. Charles Dicken’s books/literature are all over the world today because someone believed in him. Hear Saint Basil: “He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”Despite your own needs, let God use you to encourage others in this 2nd quarter of 2019 and see how heaven will raise helpers to stand with you!
Never forget: To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world – SOW A SEED OF MERCY FOR THIS MERCY WEEK! PREPARE FOR ANOTHER ANNUAL 14-DAY WORLD WIDE JULY FASTING PROGRAMME (July 7TH – 20TH) CONCERNING THE 2ND HALF OF THE YEAR AND FOR A NEW FIRE! GET YOUR NEXT COPY OF ODM & “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 14” booklets AND SOW COPIES AS SEEDS INTO A LIFE to help them do the fast!
PRAYER POINTS. Take Song 2: Count your blessings…
1. Pray about today’s message as it affects you.
2. Ask the Lord to raise helpers for your life/ministry as you help others. What can you do to encourage someone?
3. Pray generally as you are led on any other issue(s) now.
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