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Our Daily Manna 27th May 2021 – Seconds, Zeptoseconds and Femtoseconds: Count Your Time!

Our Daily Manna 27th May 2021 ODM Devotional Tuesday Message By Bishop Dr. Chris

Topic: Seconds, Zeptoseconds and Femtoseconds: Count Your Time!

Basic Scriptures: Psalm 90 : 1-12, Ecclesiastes 3 : 1-2

Message: In our school days we were taught about seconds, milliseconds, and microseconds. There are now new concepts and terminologies as far as time is concerned: FEMTOSECONDS AND ZEPTOSECONDS. The Femtosecond is one millionth of a billionth of a second, while the Zeptosecond represents a trillionth of a billionth of a second!

In Mathematics, it is equivalent to the number 1 written behind a decimal point and 20 zeros. Physicists and other scientists have not stopped in their research on time. They have now measured the shortest time ever recorded. It is how long it takes a particle of light to cross a single molecule of hydrogen. This ultra-quick journey took 247 Zeptoseconds, according to German researchers.

The findings are the culmination of global efforts to measure shorter and shorter time spans in Physics. Such times offer scientists a way to precisely measure atomic change through what is known as the PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT. In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed the theory of Photoelectric Effect. He described it as a phenomenon in which electrons can be ejected from atoms after they are hit by light.

In 1999, an Egyptian chemist, Ahmed Zewail, used ultrashort laser pulse to observe how molecules change their shape. He measured these changes in Femtoseconds. He won a Nobel Prize for this research. Wow! Ah! Apologies for this Mathematics class, especially if you used to dodge, “Maths” classes in your younger days! What the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is that: Satan is planning new strategies to WASTE YOUR TIME! Counter him fast!

Satan knows that TIME is of the essence in everything you do. That is why the whole world talks about the time it takes to accomplish a given task, otherwise known as DELIVERY TIME. Satan can attack your delivery time and you call it DELAY! Football has its timing; nobody plays a match forever. In athletics, every race is timed.

Timing is the yardstick for setting records! Nobody has all the time in this world. Everything has its time and timing hence the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” There is time to go to school and there is time to prepare for retirement; you cannot work forever! Moses prayed in today’s Psalm, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

Are you numbering your days or you are just living without knowing that the clock is ticking? Reject anxiety because the LORD says He will restore the WASTED TIME and YEARS of 2, 348 users of today’s devotional. Pray seriously now!

Connect to the TWO ON-LINE VIGIL PRAYER SESSIONS Tomorrow, Friday May 28, 2021: IST SESSION – connect via: FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide Time: 10pm-10.45pm (Nigeria time). THEN 2ND SESSION Time: 11pm-11.45 pm (Nigeria time).

Prayer Points!
1. Take any song of worship as led.
2. Powers of delay and time wasters; catch fire and burn in Jesus name.
3. LORD, RESTORE MY WASTED YEARS concerning the following issues of my destiny (mention them now and pray it for 3 night(s)
4. Oh Lord, restore back to me my time which the enemy has stolen and wasted.
5. Oh Lord, repair my broken walls and decorate my life once again.
6. Give God thanks and pray pages 7-9 prayers now!

Thanks for reading Today’s Our Daily Manna 27th May 2021 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe the founder of the various Manna Prayer Mountain (MPM) worldwide.

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