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Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018 – THE GUNILDA: PRESERVED AFTER 107 YEARS

Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018



Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America. With a maximum depth of 1,333 feet (406 meters), it is the largest lake in Canada. A luxury steam yacht, Gunilda, was built by Range & Ferguson Ltd., Scotland in Leith in 1897 according to the plan of its designers, Cox & King. The overall length was about 60 metres (approximately 198 feet). It was powered by a triple expansion 27-inch (68.6cm) stroke steam engine fueled by two 160-pound pressure turbine boilers. In 1911, the yacht owned by an oil baron, William Harkness of New York, sunk in Lake Superior after it struck some rocks!

ODM Devotional July

Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018

The passengers were all brought ashore safely but left all their luggage behind. That was some 107 years ago! In 1980, the ship was visited. The visit, known as “THE COUSTEAU EXPEDITION” saw the Gunilda sitting upright with everything aboard intact. It then tagged the Gunilda “the most beautiful shipwreck.” This year, a group of divers revisited the vessel and brought back stunning images of the ship! Many years before Jesus went to the cross to pay the price for our salvation, He spoke about His preservation through David the Psalmist.

He declared, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither will thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption (decay)” (Psalm 16:10). Jude, the brother of James, stated emphatically that we are “preserved in Jesus Christ and called” (Jude 1:1).Apostle Paul encapsulated this in his classic 2 Cor. 5:1, “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hand, eternal in the heavens.” Click here for – ODM Daily 29 September 2018- “WHY HE FOLDED THE NAPKIN! – 2

Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018

Yes, we may die if the Lord delays in coming just like the way the Gunilda sank, but one thing is sure; like the Gunilda has been preserved these 107 years, the Lord will preserve you. This is the essence of our salvation. Praise Him forevermore and no matter your trials and current battles, DETERMINE NEVER TO MISS THE FOURSQUARE CITY – HEAVEN! Get the next ODM NOW!

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PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song now. ODM Daily Hymn Songs. . .
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Thank God for the last day of this quarter! Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018 – THE GUNILDA: PRESERVED AFTER 107 YEARS

Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018

3. Thank God for the hope of salvation and His wonderful promises concerning the future.
4. I shall end 2018 well in Jesus name! Pray about today! Our Daily Manna 30 September ODM 2018

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