Our Daily Manna 5 June 2020
Leadership and HIGHER LEADERSHIP is your ELEVATION ending! Even being a servant is a phase of great leadership ahead! Leadership is ACTION and not just TITLES! The BOSS has the title, while the people follow the leader! Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals. Leaders have a vision that keeps them going through difficult times. Ask Joseph in today’s scripture! He suffered a lot but still became the leader he was born to be! Share with me again in today’s devotional more thoughts below from Dr. Myles Munroe. I call them, “THE RELAY RACE.” A Legacy is about living beyond your grave. 2. Leadership Is not a Sprint but a relay. Read top ODMDaily updates – CLICK HERE

Our Daily Manna 5 June 2020
- The most important part of a relay is passing it on not running. 4. The ultimate measure of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders. 5. True leadership measures its success by the diminishing dependency factor of its followers. 6. The ultimate measure of leadership is the ability to leave. 7. True leadership makes itself increasingly unnecessary. 8. You are a successful leader when you followers can lead others. 9. Your goal as a leader is to destroy the dependency of the people around you. 10. You are a great leader when your people don’t need you. 11. Make people greater than you and you will live forever. 12. True leaders do not seek power. True leaders seek to empower. 13. True leaders make themselves increasingly unnecessary. 14 The ultimate goal of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders.
Our Daily Manna 5 June 2020 – LEADERSHIP IS A RELAY RACE!
- The first act of a true leader is identifying your replacement and you begin mentoring them. 16. You become great by producing people greater than yourself. 17. When you produce someone greater than yourself, don’t get jealous. Take the credit. 18. When you train your replacement, you are freed to expand your work. 19. When you mentor people, your legacy will make your tombstone unnecessary. May your life and ministry end in greater glory! Pray now.
If you sowed your 21-day Fasting Seed (Elevation Seed) or First Fruit but did not get any reply, then urgently type “No Reply” to: orderodm@gmail.com or WhatsApp +447818-36-8223. Our Daily Manna 5 June 2020 – LEADERSHIP IS A RELAY RACE!
PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song as led. ODM Hymns – CLICK HERE
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now. “PRAY FOR ME! Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe(ODM Daily)” – CLICK HERE
- Lord, You who know the hearts of all men! Take away every JONAH from my boat!
- Lord God, I shall not labour in vain. Take away ALL SCATTERE
RS or WASTERS around my life, family and ministry.
4. Lord, take away every FEAR or INSECURITY as a leader. Lord, FLUSH away from my life and vision any WRONG MAN OR WOMAN whose motives are wrong! Our Daily Manna 5 June 2020 – LEADERSHIP IS A RELAY RACE!
5. Grant me MORE GRACE and FRESH OIL to lead in my life, family career, business, or ministry. Lord, send me my successors in business! Successors in family! Successors in ministry in Jesus name.
PRAYERS TO BEGIN EACH MONTH OF 2020! – Promises For Each Month:…
dear man of God, I am blessed by this article. it’s now i understood why many famous leaders fail in their leadership assignment; for an instance: ministry. These leaders become afraid,jealous and they feel insecure if those they were leading performs better than them and sometimes they take to vilification of the personality of that fellow who they felt he is now becoming more popular than them just to make them look less important, and in so doing they make themselves public spectacle.
Keep your focus on and on. You are unlimited as a leader as destined(elevated) by God regardless!