Our Daily Manna April 23 2019
BASIC SCRIPTURES: GENESIS 16:1-16; Proverbs 21:5
Welcome to a beautiful Story to Glory Day! My prayer is that today’s devotional will meet your needs as always. Genesis 16: 1-16 explains a very wonderful story that happened between Abraham, Sarah and Hagar. Abraham had been waiting for a long time for God’s promise and covenant to him (Genesis 15: 1-6), but it looked as if it would never come to pass or there was no possibility in it.

Our Daily Manna April 23 2019
When he could no longer wait, he gave in to the counsel of his wife (Sarah) to sleep with her Egyptian slave (Hagar). It really looked like a wonderful idea: Hagar would have a baby and the whole house would have a child to call theirs. But never forget that not all GOOD IDEAS ARE GOD’S IDEAS! The tragedy was that Father Abraham was treading the path of bringing to pass God’s covenant over him by himself! He was creating SHORTCUTS that Would later become DEADLY CUTS! Indeed, waiting can be one of the hardest things for us as humans, but if we know Him that has sent the Word, we would hold on and trust Him.
There is pain in the process of waiting between the PROMISE and the ANSWER; and even harder when the waiting comes with uncertainties! WAITING creates questions like: “Where is this going? Where am I going to end up? What is my future going to look like?” The reality is, we just don’t know and it is this uncertainty that crushes us! In this 2nd quarter of 2019, determine that you will not create SHORT CUTS or HELP GOD to bring the promise to pass! Hurry leads to Sorry!
Our Daily Manna April 23 2019
When you MOVE AHEAD OF GOD, YOU CREATE ISHMAELS that become YOUR REGRET BUS-STOPS! Ah! Hear this: Your God is not a man (Numbers 23:19); He doesn’t waste words! Also hear Benjamin Franklin: “He that can have Patience, can have what he will.” Your waiting time is not your wasting time! Oh! I see celebration in your house! Hold on and hold out!
Lagos, Ogudu SPECIAL ANOINTING SERVICE for this month is Saturday, April 27th. Theme: “SECRETS OF LOCATING DESTINY HELPERS.” Time: 7.30 a.m. You will be praying for your old and losing NEW destiny helpers! It will be awesome!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Click → Count your blessings…
- Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led.
- Pressure from my enemies against my testimony; I subdue you in Jesus name.
- I shall not create ISHMAELS! I shall not go ahead of God! Father, I receive the grace to wait for You in Jesus name!
- Arrows of depression, confusion, doubt, self-pity; go sender in Jesus name.
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Father,i recieve the grace to wait for you in Jesus name.