Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 December 2017 THE YOUNG MAN FROM PHILADELPHIA!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 December 2017 THE YOUNG MAN FROM PHILADELPHIA!

The story is told of a man who was walking the streets of Philadelphia searching for job. He called at the office of a popular businessman named Girard. When he asked for a job, Mr. Girard responded positively and asked him to start work immediately.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 December 2017

His job? He was asked to carry bricks from one end of the yard to the other and stack them up. By the next day, the man informed Mr. Girard the he had completed the job. Again Mr. Girard asked him to repeat this same, unattractive and humiliated job for another day, then another day, till a week had gone. The man did the job faithfully, and after a week, Mr. Girard called him and said: “I want to be sure I can trust you with a bigger job.” The following day, he was given a bigger, better and weightier responsibility. That is the way God also deals with each and every one of us.
You cannot taste glory if did not overcome groaning! You cannot taste promotion if you are not faithful in the season of pain and pressure! Until you obey God concerning His last instructions to you, you won’t hear His voice again. You cannot experience authority over circumstances and demons if you are not under the authority of God and man (2 Cor. 10:6). God will not take you higher if you love fame! You cannot get to where you are going, if you despise where you are NOW because there is a greater TOMORROW! Serve your government/husband/boss/pastor well NOW before men serve you TOMORROW. Be humble where you are! If you are not humble where you are NOW, you will humble TOMORROW! Learn!

PRAYER POINTS Our Daily Manna : Take a song of worship to God.

  1. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
  2. Ask for grace to be faithful where you are.
  3. Reject frustration, mourning, self-pity and pride.
  4. O Lord, increase me in the presence of my enemies.
  5. I command all satanic agenda concerning me to receive frustration in Jesus name.
  6. Pray in the morning afternoon/evening of today’s devotional prayer points.
  7. Pray any other prayer(s) as led.


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