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Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018



As long as you are in this world, be sure that you are going to face battles. However, you have not being called to be defeated on the battles ground. You have being called to win, conquer and prevail! This war that you have being called to be a war of words! It is the soldier who knows how to speak words of power that will prevail.

Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018

   Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018 

For FORTY DAYS, Goliath spoke words of power and paralyses Saul and the entire military apparatus of Israel. Even God could not help his people; until David showed up and started speaking words of greater power! That is why the spirit of God is saying to somebody today, “Never let the devil have the last say in your life! Never let your enemy have the final say in your life!” Refuse to shut up when you are standing before your giant. Open your mouth and speak words of GREATER POWER What you say can CHANGE THE STORY OF THE GAME!

No wonder NUMBERS 14:28 says the Lord, ‘just have you spoken in my healing, so I will do to you.” Did you get that? Your God is ALMIGHTY but he says He will come to YOUR LEVEL via your words! PROVERBS 6:2 (NKJV) says: “You are snared by the words of your own mouth; you are taken by the word of your mouth.’’ Your mouth is the PRISON or the PALACE of your life! If the devil can stop you from speaking words of faith and courage, he can defeat you!

This battle of life is a battle of words, and all you need to do is to: say what God has said, Say what God is saying and how will step into the scene and silence that enemy that is causing tears for your Destiny! Again, open your mouth now and begin to degree words of victory over those situations in your life. Victory is yours! Start NOW

Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 4: Stand up for Jesus….
1. In your own words pray over today’s word as led.
2. LORD God, I receive strength to win any WAR OF WORDS! My mouth will not be dumb on the day of battle! The enemies will NEVER HAVE THE LAST SAY concerning me! Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018

3. Pray seriously now and speak words of victory and deliverance over every situation that you face with now (See page 135 and the use of PROPHETIC DECLARATION page today). Pray about today seriously as led. See ODMDAILY Prayer points. Our Daily Manna Devotional For Winners 10 April 2018

All roads lead to LEKKI MANNA MOUNTAIN SUNDAYS! Meet with me, Dr. Chris for ONE-ON –ONE COUNSELING/POWER SERVICE at the LEKKI venue every Sundays 8am. It is a SPECIAL-90-MINUTES PROPHETIC AGREEMENT PRAYER SERVICE. Venue: Besides OANDO FILLING STATION/CHISCO BUS-STOP. PASTORS WILL BE GIVING PRIORITY. Reject discouragement and be there. Call 081778034303 for details. The devil is in trouble!

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