Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris – POSITIVE THINKING: NOT FAITH!

Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris


Basic scripture: Romans 4:16-22

Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing(Romans 4:17 NLT). There are certain dead end words in life including cancer, bankruptcy, infertility, unemployment, etc. How do you know when you are at a dead end? Oh! Don’t miss this one- ‘HE GOT JUST A TOOTHPICK’ ODM 13th May HERE

Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris

Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris

You know it when things get out of control and you can’t do anything about it. When you are stuck and waiting for deliverance, you need to remember what God can do. The situation may be out of your control, but it is not out of God’s control. When you face a dead end, don’t focus on what you can’t do. Focus instead on what God can do.

Romans 4:17 says: Abraham believed in The God who brings the dead back to life and who creates something out of nothing. If GOD can give life to a dead man, He can give life to a dead career! He can give life to that dead marriage! He can give life to that dead dream! He can bring life to that financial dead end, that body full of sickness, etc. It wasn’t just positive thinking that helped Abraham. Positive thinking works well in situations beyond your control.

But positive thinking is not Faith! They are two very different things! I repeat: in situations that are out of control positive thinking is worthless. It is just wishful thinking it doesn’t change situation. When you face things that are out of control, you need something more than a positive mental attitude. You need faith in God, because he controls it when you can’t. Then this shocker: Most of life is beyond your control, so you need faith far more than you need positive thinking!

Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris

Jesus says in Luke 18:27, “what is impossible with man is possible with God” (NIV). God specializes in impossible and He is ready to turn your dead end into a deliverance end! Never, ever give up! Something amazing is about to happen! Pray Now!


Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led.  Daily Manna Devotional Today May 14 2018 By Bishop Chris
2. Every agent of discouragement released from the marine world, lose my soul, Go back to sender in Jesus name (pray until you have peace to stop. ODM Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris

3. Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace. Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris
Get my new books: “blasting Down Your Walls of Jericho” and “my Womb Must Open by Fire” from any bookshop nationwide. Our Daily Manna Devotional May 14 2018 By Dr Chris


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