Our Daily Manna For Champions 26 November 2018 – RELEASE THE CHAIN NOW: FORGIVE!

Our Daily Manna For Champions 26 November 2018


Basic Scripture: Genesis 50: 15 – 21

Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave! The Holy Ghost has been emphasizing forgiveness for the sake of a user of this devotional because his/her decoration! Forgiveness is for people who are destines for greatness; people who have made up their mind that, “No Matter What People Do To Hurt Or Stop Me, I Will Not Become Bitter Or Negative!” Our Daily Manna 25 Nev. 2018 – “JOHN NEWTON: THE SONG-AMAZING GRACE!

Our Daily Manna For Champions 26 November 2018

Our Daily Manna For Champions 26 November 2018

I like what Mother Theresa said, “People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD. IT WAS NEVER BETWEEN YOU AND THEM.” Wonderful!

Look at what Joseph told his brothers, “Fear not; for AM I IN THE PLACE OF GOD?” God is the only one who reserves the right to CONDEMN people who have hurt and offended you. When people hurt you, it’s like they are throwing a big chain on you path to tie you down. Refusing to forgive them is like taking the other end of the chain and tying yourself to them. So, you cannot go wherever you want to go again. You become tied down.

But when you forgive, you immediately cut off that evil chain so you can be free to live your life and move on to the greater things that God has for your future! When you forgive others their offenses, you give God the opportunity to FIGHT FOR YOU. And when He fights for you, the victory He will wins for you will be far sweeter and refreshing than VENGEANCE!

Our Daily Manna For Champions 26 November 2018

Give out the 2019 Our Daily Manna as Christmas and New Year gift items. Get your copies from your nearest bookshop now! I prophesy a special testimony as you do so! Be expectant!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship as led now.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. As 2018 ends, I decree: Every seed of bitterness and unforgiveness chocking up the seed of God’s love and favour upon me, be destroyed NOW be FIRE! Click here for “The Story Behind The Glory

3. As 2018 ends, AGAIN, I let go of the hurt of the past concerning the following persons (mention names).
4. Lord, RESTORE whatever I have lost this year due to bitterness, unforgiveness and anger in Jesus name.
5. I scatter every END-OF-YEAR EVIL programme in Jesus name. Pray about today seriously as led. Our Daily Manna Prayer Points 2018


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago

Thank you my GOD for talking to me through this devotional. …hear my humble cry oh LORD…

Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
5 years ago

Oh yes we need the spirit of forgiveness to remove seed of unforgiveness and bitterness in our lives let the spirit of God dwell in us

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