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Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27 – REVISITED! SECRETS UNCOVERED!

Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27


Basic Scripture: Ephesians 4: 7-16

Today’s scripture Vs. 11 says: “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers…” Note that the verse did not refer to only MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH! That popular but misunderstood verse which contain the 5-fold ministry gifts giving by God to different persons, is talking about the kingdom entrepreneurs within the marketplace as well as the move of God in the local church or BODY OF CHRIST. Don’t miss – ODM 26 Nov. 2018 – “RELEASE THE CHAIN NOW: FORGIVE!

Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27

Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27

The 5-fold ministry compasses a GENERAL LIFE BALANCE! The four key words in Verse 12, gives us insight: “…for the EQUIPPING of the SAINTS for the WORK of the ministry, for the EDIFYING of the body of Christ.” The word “Equipping” means – making fit, preparing, training, perfecting, making fully qualified for service. The word “Saints” signify those that believe, who are following daily after the Lord. The word “Work” in this verse means, business, labour, career, employment, etc. Lastly the words “Edifying” means – the act of building up, to promote growth in kingdom wisdom.

So from this, it is clear the 5-fold ministry gifts do not say that these gifts were given only to serve the local church, but to equip ALL THE SAINTS FOR WORK IN THE MARKETPLACE. And since majority of us work in the marketplace, it is mandatory that these entrepreneurs be equipped and released to operate in their gifts in the marketplace – not just inside the church. Can you catch that? It means the aim of my pastor, apostle, teacher, evangelist or prophet, does not end just on soul-winning, altar call, preaching Bible for holiness or just deliverance prayers, etc.

Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27

It involves TEACHING PEOPLE HOW TO WIN IN LIFE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH! God wants you to be complete with the “3 Ps” – PURITY, PROSPERITY AND POWER! As 2018 ends, seek these things daily! If you are called into any of the 5-fold ministry gifts, go beyond just your Sunday services. Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27 – REVISITED! SECRETS UNCOVERED! Look for practical life solutions and kingdom secrets/wisdom/motivation to get saints under you to be complete in Him!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: → When the morning comes…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.  Click here for “The Story Behind The Glory

2. Lord, now I know! I refuse any plan to make my life, family and ministry to INCOMPLETE in Jesus name.
3. Holy Ghost, show me SECRETS (KINGDOM WISDOM SECRETS) of my life, family and ministry in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna Prayer Points 2018

4. Stretch out your two hands and declare now: “FALURE, SHAME, and STAGNATION” are not my names. I am a SUCCESS story and I am COMPLETE in Christ. Whatever I lay hands to do, MUST prosper from this season again in Jesus name. Pray about today seriously. Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 27 – REVISITED! SECRETS UNCOVERED!

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

LORD. ….LORD….hear my cry…

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