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Our Daily Manna ODM 16 September 2024 “APPOINTED VS DISAPPOINTED!”

Our Daily Manna ODM 16 September 2024


Our Daily Manna
Our Daily Manna

CLICK EHRE TO READ BASIC SCRIPTURES Prayers and Declarations 16 September 2024

Welcome! Vs. 27 of today’s 1st scripture says: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” The emphasis of today’s devotion is on the word, “APPOINTED.” One of such things is “DEATH.” You are appointed to DIE but you are not appointed to die in line with the PROTOCOL (PLANS) OF YOUR ENEMIES! Halleluiah! Job 5:12 says, “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.” Note the word: “DISAPPOINTED.” It means to violate, to defeat, to dissolve, to disannul, to make of none effect and to frustrate! That means whatsoever God has ‘NOT APPOINTED’ He ‘DISAPPOINTS!’ He will disappoint every SATANIC device. God has ‘NOT APPOINTED’ unto you untimely death, failure, demonic delays, poverty, sickness, sorrow etc, so He will ‘DISAPPOINT’ them. I command as I am directed: Whatever Jehovah God has APPOINTED for you in 2024 will locate you! Whatever He has not appointed, will be DISAPPOINTED BY FIRE in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen and amen! Our Daily Manna ODM 16 September 2024

ONE NIGERIA ONE ODM! (PUT YOUR COUNTRY’s NAME) Sow towards the OCTOBER 1ST NATIONWIDE RALLY Tagged, “ONE NIGERIA, ONE ODM.” The aim is to sow ODM into the life of every Nigerian (and your country’s citizens) on OCTOBER 1ST – NIGERIA’S INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERY YEAR! Our Daily Manna ODM 16 September 2024

Let God use you. Sow into any of the accounts on page 29 of this booklet and send an SMS/Email to ODM contacts.

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: My hope is built…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. I scatter every plan not fashioned by my FATHER GOD NOW!
  3. I shall not miss the heavenly JERUSALEM on my day of death!
  4. Father, help me to live my life in view of humanity’s appointment
    with death. Our Daily Manna ODM 16 September 2024
  5. Confess any known sin now that may stand against you in judgment.
  6. O God, whatever You have not ‘APPOINTED’ in my life, family and
    ministry, let it be disannulled and brought to nought in Jesus name.
  7. Abba Father; ‘DISAPPOINT’ negativity, bad news, sickness,
    wickedness, sorrow, demotion etc now by fire.
  8. Pray in Tongues now and loose divine appointments! Pray
    for me and family today.

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