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Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2 – TOPIC: SECRET OF THE MARATHON!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2



I received this SMS below from a sister on February 1st this year and I am led to use it for today’s devotional! “Sir, I did an online transfer on the 26th of January, 2018.

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2

I only have the alert which I will forward to you now, thanks so much sir. Please sir, I wanted to send 5000 naira to your Fidelity bank acct no (4011025435)this morning and I mistakenly sent 50,000 naira instead. Please in the name of God, kindly refund the excess 45,000 naira as it is meant for another purpose. Please sir, endeavour to respond to my request. I am confident that this i sa ministry that will not do otherwise. I only wanted to assist the ministry with a token; no one asked me to do it.

Please don’t let this cost me my marriage. My bank details are…(withheld by me, Dr Chris, for reasons of privacy).” Of course, when the text got to me and the staff confirmed that it was true, the money was IMMEDIATELY returned! Then the lady responded below: “sir, I can’t thank you enough; I got my money. You proved yourself! No wonder your ministry is still surviving in spite of all odds. God bless and increase you in Jesus name”- (From Mrs. Felicia…+234-8065604385). THAT WAS INTEGRITY which is our watchword in this ministry!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2

No wonder Katrina Mayer noted: “Integrity is making sure that the things you say and the things you do are in alignment.” But the line, “No wonder your ministry is still surviving in spite of all odds” struck me like a harsh but positive hurricane. Indeed, this ministry has passed through unbelievable envy and enemies, and evil syndicates, most often with pastors and bishops as the originators, but all we have seen is growth and enlargement!

Never forget why integrity is important: When a man’s ways please the Lord, He will make even his enemies to be at peace with him or her (paraphrased, Prov. 16:7)! When your hands are clean, a million enemies will become a million ladders of promotion! The secret of staying long in business and ministry when others are falling aside, is integrity! I call it “the secret of the marathon!” Pursue INTEGRITY before God and man and you will never faint in your life’s assignment! Amen!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2 – TOPIC: SECRET OF THE MARATHON!

The U.K. Tele-Conference ANOINTING SERVICE is this Saturday August 4th. Call line: +44(0) 3309981254. ACCESS CODE IS: 809720#. Time: 8.00 a.m. U.K. time. Bishop Dr. Chris will be on the line to MINISTER! Other nations can call in too! Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship.
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led! Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 2 – TOPIC: SECRET OF THE MARATHON!
2. Repent from ways in which you have donethings without integrity in the past.
3. Lord, when others are fainting, INTEGRITY will grant me SPEED!

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