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Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3 – TOPIC: O. G. MANDINO – UPGRADE EVERY DAY!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3



I encourage people to read a minimum of 30 to 40 pages of something positive every day to program their minds positively! Go to the library and check out books! Check the internet for information daily! Know this: Mr. O.G. Mandino, who wrote, “THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD,” was on the verge of committing suicide. But he went to the library, read the book, “Think and grow Rich” and his life turned around! Suicide was arrested!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3

That is why THE WORD (your Bible), says in Vs.2 of today’s scripture,“be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” “If there is no enemy within, the harm.” Shakespeare said: “The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars. But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” So you have to program yourself or your mind WILL BE programmed for you by external events or people. The other thing is, you have to UPGRADE your goals!

Have goals that are BEYOND your comfort zone because in order to do something you have never done, you have got to become someone you have never been! You have to be a risk taker! If you aren’t willing to take a RISK, you can’t GROW, and if you can’t grow, you can’t become YOUR BEST. And if you can’t become your best, you can’t be happy.

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3

The other thing is to upgrade your relationships. Also, you have to look at the people in your life and ask: “what is this relationship doing to me?” There are many people who, because of their toxic, negative energy draining people in their lives, will never be successful because those toxic relationships will compromise their power; because there isa new term in Psychiatry called “RELATIONAL ILLNESS.”

There are some people that can make sick! Now some people might ask, “can we change them?” No! It is a full time job changing yourself so why do you think you can change others? There are some people that are so negative, they can walk into a dark room and begin to develop. You either endure them or KICK THEM OUT of your life without apologies because it is your life and it’s only one! Pray now! Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3

The U.K. Tele-Conference ANOINTING SERVICE is tomorrow, Saturday August 4th, 2018. Call line: +44(0) 3309981254. ACCESS CODE IS: 809720#. Time: 8.00 a.m. U.K. time. Bishop Dr. Chris will be on the line to MINISTER! Other nations can call in too!

Our Daily Manna ODM For Champions August 2018 Day 3 – TOPIC: O. G. MANDINO – UPGRADE EVERY DAY!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: What a friend…
1. I cancel failure and shame in Jesus name.
2. Lord, x-ray every man or woman around my life and ministry! FLUSH out those who will block my destiny decoration in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to grow out of my comfort ZONE in Jesus name. I shall take risks!
4. Pray in Tongues A LOT today and cancel FALSE ACCUSATIONS against an ODM user! Pray about today!

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