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Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023


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Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

The best things of life come out of suffering! Before flowers can adorn our gardens, the soil must be broken and the weeds pulled out.

Before great statues which attract tourism can be erected, the marble must be quarried, sawn and chiselled. Before the orchestra can send forth its harmony, the instruments must pass through a process of tuning.

Sometimes, before the body can enjoy good health, a bitter medicine must be applied. Before the day of graduation, years of study must have passed. I suffered for 9 dark years of God’s “perfect silence” before I could discover this ODM vision just after I bought a rope to hang myself.

Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

Note these three things about the pain (Jordan)you maybeallowed to pass through in the remaining days of 2023: (1) Jordan (trial) is inevitable! (2) Jordan is invaluable (profitable), and (3) Jordan is not invincible.

That means Jordan is not above your God! Note this: Out of Joseph’s imprisonment came the preservation of a nation. Out of John’s imprisonment emerged the book of Revelation. Out of Paul’s imprisonment flowed the highest revelation of the Scriptures – the prison epistles. Out of Bunyan’s imprisonment came Pilgrim’s Progress.

Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

That’s why you are described as MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! That means the conquered becomes the CONQUEROR (winner) at last! When a prisoner becomes the master over that prison, he or she is described as MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!

When your trial is turned into a testimony, you are more than a conqueror! When that circumstance which is supposed to bury you in shame becomes your celebration point, you are described as more than a conqueror! That will be your description in this 2023!

The Jews had to step on stones when they crossed Jordan and those stones became their ladders (stepping stones) to the Promised Land. Resist tears and refuse to stay in confusion, depression or self-pity! Hold on and hold out!

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube. Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship to God as led.

  1. In your words, pray over today’s two scriptures as led.
  2. Ask for the grace to hold on in any circumstance this year.

  3. In every Jordan there is a stepping stone. My God, use any trial in my life to promote me at last; do for me what You did for Joseph, Paul, John and others in Jesus name.

  4. I am more than a conqueror in 2023. O God, turn my life into a RESULT THAT CANCELS INSULTS this year. Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

  5. I am more than a conqueror in 2023. Holy Ghost, let there be miracles
    in my life this year. Turn my tears to a song this year in Jesus name.

  6. What God cannot do for me cannot be done! I shall not quit trusting God this year! He is all I have! Satan, you are a liar!

  7. Pray about today as led now. See page 7.

Our Daily Manna Online 17 May 2023 – JORDAN HAS STEPPING STONES…

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