Our Daily Manna Prayer Mountain 4th January 2023 Declarations

“Daily declarations” can refer to affirmations or statements that people make to themselves in order to positively impact their thoughts and actions. They can be a helpful tool for setting intentions, improving self-esteem, and promoting motivation and productivity.
Here are a few examples of daily declarations that you might find helpful:
- I am confident and capable in all that I do.
- I choose to focus on the positive and let go of negative thoughts.
- I am surrounded by love and abundance.
- I trust in my ability to succeed and achieve my goals.
- I choose to be happy and let go of stress and worry.
- I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
Keep in mind that daily declarations are meant to be personal, so it’s important to make them specific to your own goals and aspirations. It’s good to write them down and say it out loud, as research shows that it has an effect on the brain and make it more real and effective.
It’s worth to make it a daily routine and feel the impact of it as you make progress to achieve your goals and aspirations.