Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018 – FEED YOUR FOCUS

Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018



Hillary Duff was right when she said ‘’it’s hard to stay true to yourself and what you want in life when there are so many distractions and so much craziness going on around you.’’ That is why many people find it easy to bend and twist and give up on their journeys and destinies. Missed ODM 29 “THE HAND AND MOUTH CONNECTION!” to read, CLICK HERE

Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018

Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018

I decree over you now; every arrow of distraction from the pit of hell designed to change the course of your journey to glory and decoration in 2018, will be destroyed by FIRE in Jesus name! Distraction stopped the ten spices from seeing the good things that God had for them and their nation (Num14; 1-10)! They saw the fruitfulness of the land; they saw that the land was flowing with milk and honey. But those things were not important. Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018

Hear Henry Ford, ‘‘Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”Yes, this is the second quarter of the year, and it will shock you to know that thousands who began the year with HOLY FIRE are ALREADY in the ASHES OF DESPAIR-BURNT OUT! Ooh, please refuse to be derailed by obstacles! But the truth is that if you have not been seeing obstacles and distractions, you are on the wrong path.

Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018

This is because Satan will confront whatever God has started in you! EVEN THE lord Jesus was NEARLY DISTRACTED just before the cross (today’s scripture)! In Vs 34 He said: ‘‘my soul is exceeding sorrowful…………’’ That was ACUTE DEPRESSION –exceeding sorrowful! Resist depression and discouragement! BE FOCUSED! Don’t let any demonic distraction substitute your 2018 glorious destiny for something else! FEED YOUR FOCUS! STARVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 3: —>it is well with my soul…

1. Pray now as you are led by the spirit on today’s word. Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018
2. I shall feed my FOCUS and starve my distractions! I SHALL DISTRACT MY DISTRACTIONS in Jesus name. Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018
3. All you stumbling blocks of distraction on my path to greatness, you will be my stepping stones to glory this year in Jesus name (Pray it seriously).

4. THE PEOPLE OF Israel were distracted because of the ten spices. Every demonic spy that has been assigned to steal, corrupt or paralyze my dream, GO DUMB now in Jesus name.

Our Daily manna Reading For 30 May 2018

5. Pray seriously about today and cancel every evil device of the enemy to make you end your journey in the wilderness of life. I Shall Not End My Journey In The Wilderness; I Am Moving Into My Land Of Promise in Jesus name.

Everyday Prayers: Satan, My Mouth Is Your Disgrace/Disappointment This Year -“WHERE WORD OF A KING IS, THERE IS POWER


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Hyelhirra Markus
Hyelhirra Markus
6 years ago

God bless u MAN of God,plz I want to know d date for d 2018 14 days prayer n fasting.Thnx.

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