Our Daily Manna Today 19th June 2024

The open door to a good life is good words. Have you ever heard of people who complain and say things like, “I’m even tired of this life… I am tired of this government; things are just getting worse and worse everyday…” That kind of confession is just a harvest of years of negative unproductive confession. Today’s Basic Scripture gives an important key: if you want to live a life of joy and bliss, you need to keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guile. The Holy Ghost has been speaking in this edition about: RUNNING AWAY FROM SPEAKING WRONG WORDS! You might be thinking: “but people are speaking ugly and negative things to me and about me…” You need to get your mind completely off what people are saying about you or maybe to you. The Words That You Speak To Yourself And About Yourself Are More Important And More Powerful Than Any Other Word! In Mark 11, Jesus taught His disciples this all- important principle: “Whosoever shall say… and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says will come to pass, he will have whatsoever he says.” I like to put it this way: YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY! Dear pastor, you will have what you say about that ministry, church or church worker! The same goes for everyone! Jesus did not teach them that: “You will have what THEY say…” What you say is more important! No matter how EVIL, negative or immoral people are, when they speak in your presence, open your mouth and speak good. Open your mouth and speak faith-filled words. They may look at you and wonder which planet you are from; don’t bother. Speak the promises in page 38 of this booklet! Start speaking great and Bible-filled words and YOU WILL BE THE NEXT BIBLE MEN WILL READ ABOUT THE GREATNESS OF GOD! Start today! Remember: What you say is more important! Hold on!
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6:30am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube. Our Daily Manna Today 19th June 2024
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Stand up for Jesus…
- Pray in the Spirit right now as you are led.
- Open your mouth and start speaking great blessings upon
your life, family, career, your health, business and ministry
(Keep declaring them seriously). Our Daily Manna Today 19th June 2024 - Satan, your plan is to use my words against me; I cancel such
plans in Jesus name. I am a success! I am a candidate for
victory and glory! Thank God now and pray about today
Our Daily Manna Today 19th June 2024