Todays ODM Devotional For 27th November 2024

CLICK HERE TO READ BASIC SCRIPTURE 27th November 2024 Prayers and Declarations
Welcome! Vs. 31 of today’s scripture says: “And they come unto thee as a people cometh, and they sit before thee as My people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their hearts goeth after their covetousness.” Please, note these words again: “For with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.” God was expressing His displeasure about the attitude of Israel toward His Word as spoken by prophet Ezekiel. He said to Ezekiel, “This people are showing with their mouth that they love what you are preaching, but afterwards their hearts go after their covetousness. This is the tale of many children of God and even pastors today. When people hear the Word in church, they respond with shouts and accolades to make the pastor feel accepted and loved. They also garnish it with some warm compliments after service, but after all that, they do what is in their hearts. That is why pastors must be careful not to be carried away with the lip service and THE PRAISE OF MEN! In Verse 32, God said to Ezekiel (paraphrased): “Your voice has become unto them like the voice of a very good musician who can play his instrument very well. They love listening to you, but they will not obey My words in your mouth.” Oh GOD! This is the story of this generation! We celebrate church and men, but we are disobedient to the WORD. Many are going to church, but church is not going through them! Yes, let the WORD OF TRUTH preached and taught in church go through you. REFUSE TO BE A HYPOCRITE! HELL IS REAL!
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigerian time) via Facebook & Youtube.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: What a friend we have…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
- LORD, I repent in any way I have been a HYPOCRITE
(mention those areas now)! - Pray for pastors worldwide today. Mention your pastor! Pray
WITH ME (Pray it seriously). - Pray about any other issue(s) affecting your peace. Todays ODM Devotional For 27th November 2024