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WAR AGAINST HAMAN 14 DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Prayer Points Bishop Dr. Chris

WAR AGAINST HAMAN 14 DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Prayer Points Bishop Dr. Chris

Our Daily Manna January – March WAR AGAINST HAMAN -14 2019 edition by Bishop Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe


 SCRIPTURE BULLETS: Judges 16; 2 Kings-12 JUGDES 9:26-45


Judges 16:26 and 29 says; “A Samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand, ‘Suffer me that I may feel the pillars where upon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them.’ And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was bome up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left.” The Phillistines were DANCING and making a MOCKERY of SAMSON! They were having a satanic party at his expense! In this year 2019, God will turn your MOCKERS to your WORKERS and will their PARTY to SUDDEN PITY! In this year 2019, your God will show you the pillars of those planning shame for you! He will use UNEXPECTED SOURCES (e.g. the little lad of Samson) to make the EXPECTED TO HAPPEN (his victory even at death)! The LORD used a lad supplied by his enemies! Wow! In this year 2019, God will show you the SECRET of your enemies and BLIND THEM from YOUR SECRET! They did not know that the lad they supplied would become their CEMETERY! Oh, wonderful God! Oh, in this year 2019, the LORD will show you HIDDEN PILLARS and the SOURCE of BOASTING of those who are saying that you will never move from STORY to GLORY! In this year 2019, God will show you the pillars of those wishing, planning and praying that your pain becomes perpetual and your wounds incurable (Jer. 15:18)! Yes, in this year 2019; the foundation of your HATERS and those MOCKING your destiny shall be exposed by the Holy Ghost as you pray in this fasting programme.


WAR AGAINST HAMAN -14 2019 edition by Bishop Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe
WAR AGAINST HAMAN -14 2019 edition by Bishop Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe

Ah! At the WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT, THEIR PILLARS WILL CRUMBLE AND THEIR PERPETUAL SHAME SHALL BE VERY LOUD! Note that Samson had a wonderful GLORIOUS DESTINY in God! His birth was prophesied! His mother had two ANGELIC APPEARANCES proclaiming his arrival just like in the case of Jesus but this uncommon glory was reversed when they SHAVED HIS HAIR and destroyed his vision. I can imagine Samson crying aloud like Job (Job 19:9) “He hath stripped me of my glory , and taken the crown from my head”. I decree concerning your life, family and ministry that in these 21 – day (January) or 14 day (July) fasting programmes and AT THE WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT OF 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS, your glory and crown which they stripped you of, shall be restored by fire! Watch this now: “And it came to pass, when their hearts were merry, that they said, ‘Call for Samson, that he may make us sport. ‘And they called for Samson out of the prison house: and he made them sport: and they set him between the pillars” (Judges 16:25). Wow! Note: “THEY SET HIM BETWEEN THE PILLARS”. Oh! They were led to make a mistake! Thank you Jesus! They made a costly mistake by setting Samson between THEIR PILLARS. I Prophesy: In this year 2019, your enemies will make mistakes which they will NEVER recover from! THEIR PILLARS will be exposed to you to you by the Holy Ghost! THEIR PILLAR is their fortress, their fortified territories, their secrets, their confidence, their boastings, their weapons of war, their instruments of wickedness and captivity but in this fasting program and AT THE WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT OF STORY TO GLORY, THEIR PILLARS shall collapse and they shall be wasted. Yes! As you pray with PROPHETIC SAND from your ministry, village, city, house or work place, etc, the EVIL PILLARS resisting and stopping your GLORY and DESTINY STAR shall GO DOWN by fire! Yes! I see fire coming down that night! Oh! A GREAT FIRE! The God who exposed the hidden secrets of Benhadad, the King of Syria, to Elisha is still alive and HE will expose, reveal and counter every secret meant to strip you of your CROWN and GLORY this year in Jesus name!

WAR AGAINST HAMAN 14 DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Prayer Points Bishop Dr. Chris

Pray seriously now for two days!

  1. Psalm 105:1; LORD, I give You thanks and praise for Your mighty works in my life, family and ministry.
  2. Isaiah 43:1; Father, I worship and honour Your name for Your faithfulness and preservation towards me and my household.
  3. Psalm 56:1; LORD, show me Your mercy and favour today and always in this fasting program and beyond in Jesus name.
  4. 2 Chronicles 20:22; Engage the weapon of praise and worship now SING YOUR BEST PRAISE AND WORSHIP SONS TO YOUR GOD NOW!
  5. O God, baptize my enemies with confusion and disaster. LET THEM MAKE MISTAKES THEY WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS YEAR IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
  6. You glory eating demons lying in wait for my GLORY, eat your own glory and dry up now in the name of Jesus.
  7. Psalm 56:6, LORD, invade the camp and territory of my GLORY COUNTENDERS this year; scatter them abroad by fire in Jesus name.
  8. 6; O LORD, let those monitoring or that will monitor my GLORY HOUR this year in order to confiscate it, monitor me to their graves in Jesus name.
  9. 6; LORD, by Your thunder and lightning, blindfold every evil eye used to watch my steps now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
  10. You witches and wizards lying in wait to take my life, thereby terminating my glory prematurely, die, die and die without remedy in Jesus name.
  11. Jeremiah 5:26; Satanic PILLARS positioned for my undoing, what are you waiting for? Scatter by fire now in Jesus name.
  12. 26; You strongman in my father’s house and lineage that won’t let me go, I command your PILLARS to catch fire and collapse in Jesus name.
  13. Jeremiah 6:25; O GOD, arise and turn the pillars of my enemies mounted against my life and destiny to be broken into pieces now in Jesus name.
  14. Proverbs 1:11; O LORD, my glory is not for sale this year. LORD, break the pillars of the evil powers and personalities that are lying in wait for my ministry, marital, career and business glory by fire now.
  15. 12; Powerful Jehovah, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS this year! Break the confidence and pride of those that have vowed to render me miserable this year in Jesus name.
  16. 12; Satanic graves and pits that have positioned themselves to swallow up my destiny, greatness and glory, scatter, scatter, scatter and scatter abroad now in Jesus name.
  17. Isaiah 49:25; In this year 2019, LORD, arise and contend with them that are contending against my GLOR LAND by fire.
  18. 25; HOLY GHOST, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS! SHOE ME THEIR SECRETS! Loose my life, family, ministry and destiny from every captivity this year in the name of Jesus.
  19. 2 Kings 6:8; LORD, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS THIS YEAR! SHOW ME TGEIR HIDDEN SECRETS! Turn the counsel of the enemies of my glory, promotion, advancement and increase to foolishness by fire and thunder.
  20. 9; HOLY GHOST, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS! SHOW ME THEIR SOURCE OF BOASTINGS! Expose the secrets and agenda of every enemy of progress spying on my GLORY this year in Jesus name.
  21. 12; LORD, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS THIS YEAR! SHOW ME THEIR SECRETS OF CONFIDENCE! Let their evil information network system which they use to monitor me catch fire and burn in Jesus name.
  22. LORD, attack their PILLARS! Attack their source of confidence! Attack their hidden treasures in secret places this January, February, March, April, May…….(Mention all the months of 2019) in Jesus name.
  23. O GOD, let the 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS of this year pull down the root of every EVIL PILLAR in my life by the agency of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
  24. Lord, as I pray prophetically with the SAND I shall bring to TBS, let the PILLARS of my adversaries CRUMBLE TO DUST this year in Jesus name.
  25. Lord, as I sow my STORY to GLORY SEED (SATANIC PILLARS BULLDOZING SEED) by faith, and pray the SPECIAL “GLORY-PROVOKING PROPHETIC PSALM” (GPPP), which I will pray for 5 weeks, bulldoze the pillars of my haters in Jesus name
  26. Judges 16:26; HOLY GHOST, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS! Save my marriage from the PILLARS and SHACKLES of divorce this year in Jesus name.
  27. Judges 16:26; HOLY GHOST, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS! Save my career, academics, children, grandchildren, ministry and business from the PILLARS and SHACKLES of SHAME MANUFACTURERS this year in Jesus name.
  28. 26; You EVIL PILLARS of rise and fall, disappointment at the edge of my breakthrough, pillars of demotion and stagnation, break now by fire and thunder.
  29. 26; Satanic PILLARS of premature death in my foundation, you shall not prosper! Be uprooted from your foundation NOW and in the 12 months of this year in Jesus name (mention the months now).
  30. 29; You PILLARS of constant failure, poverty and struggle, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; be rooted out of my life and endeavours now in Jesus name.
  31. 29; You PILLARS of miscarriage, stillbirth and marital frustration, delay, marital cycle of unfruitful courtships, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; break and scatter by thunder, My MARITAL CONNECTION and FULFILMENT must manifest this year! I am not a quitter in Jesus name.
  32. Esther 5:11; HOLY GHOST, SHOW ME THEIR PILLARS this year! Corrupt their wisdom and humiliate their power in Jesus name.
  33. 11; LORD, turn the GLORY of every HAMAN (my determined stubborn enemies) into GROANING this year. Let their wish concerning me and my household backfire by fire.
  34. Job 19:9; I decree: Every GLORY HUNTER, RUN MAD NOW in Jesus name.
  35. 9; I am moving from STORY TO GLORY THIS YEAR! O you my stolen CROWN, locate me now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
  36. 9; Yes! I shall not miss the WORLD ANNOITING STORY TO GLORY NIGHT this year! Every plan to stop me; BACKFIRE in Jesus name.
  37. I decree: John the Baptist’s head was traded for camel pleasures! There shall be no NEGOTIATION or buying and selling with my destiny and glory! My HEAD shall carry its GLORY again in Jesus name.
  38. Psalm 37:32; Every evil plan to rob me of my glory this year through mistakes, blackmail, betrayal and wrong decisions, in the name of Jesus of NAZARETH, be reversed and scatter now by fire.
  39. Numbers 14:28; HOLY GHOST, in this year 2019, SHOW ME THE EVIL PILLARS of every determined enemy of my PROMISED GLORY.

God of my 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS, God of my 12 prayer points, God of the SAND I shall bring to TBS as my prophetic point of contact, excavate, demolish and disgrace the DEMONIC PILLARS resisting the glory of my life, family, ministry, destiny, favour, health, marriage, job, business, spiritual upliftment, breakthrough and testimony in this fasting program and indeed this year. I shall see the utter destructive end of my enemies with their PILLARS this year in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

  1. 23:18 –In Your Own Words, Pray Seriously About Your Personal 2019 Prayer Points And Expectations Now! They Shall Not Be Cut Off in Jesus name. Amen! (Bring them to TBS).
  2. Pray about the 12months of this year as led now. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This is my year to move from STORY to GLORY! My GLORY LAND must locate me in January, February, March…… (Mention all the remaining months in 2019).
  3. As I sow my STORY TO GLORY SEED (SATANIC PILLARS BULLDOZING SEED) by faith, and pray the SPECIAL “GLORY-PROVOKING PROPHETIC PSALM” (GPPP), which I will pray for 5 weeks, bulldoze the PILLARS of my haters in Jesus name.
  4. I decree that my HEAD and destiny shall be CROWNED WITH GLORY! Those that saw SHAME in me in the past, shall see GLORY in me this year! I shall be called, “HEPHZIBAH” because men shall see that I am the DELIGHT of the LORD (Isaiah 62:4)! Yea, I shall be called GLORY LAND and BEAUTIFUL LAND after the order of Isaiah 62:4, because men shall indeed see that the LORD is in me this year. Ah! I am moving from STORY TO GLORY this year! And this generation shall know that I am a seed that does not expire! Even when fallen/buried to the ground in setbacks, delays or battles, I shall come back stronger and bigger! This is that year! Yes Lord! This is that year! Amen and Amen!
  5. Ecc 11:4- “He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. “I reject DISCOURAGEMENT in SEED SOWING! I refuse to allow battles or DELAYS of the past to stop my SOWING AGAIN this year! I shall sow my “STGS” –STORY TO GLORY SEED in this fasting programme in Jesus name.
  6. As I sow my “STGS” –STORY TO GLORY SEED and SPECIAL “GLORY-PROVOKING PROPHETIC PSALM” (GPPP), which I will pray for 5 weeks, the God of MERCY, who knows the number of hairs on my head, will move me from “STORY TELLING” to “GLORY SHWOCASING” this year in Jesus name.
  7. As I carry out the PROPHETIC ACTION OF PRAYING WITH SAND which I will bring from my place of residence, work place, ministry arena, village square, school ground, father’s house, mother’s house, business area, etc, AT THE WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT OF 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS, O EARTH, vomit and release my Glory this year by fire in Jesus name!
  8. O EARTH, vindicate me and swallow up every enemy of my promised financial, marital, spiritual, ministry, health, career, job and business glory this year in Jesus name.
  9. As I carry out the PROPHETIC ACTION of shooting my 12 PROPHETIC ARROWS AT THE WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT, the EARTH must hear me and vindicate me from the hands of every ANTI-GLORY agent in Jesus name. MY BORDERS SHALL ENLARGE and I shall possess my possessions in FULL!
  10. As I carry out the PROPHETIC ACTION of shooting my 12 PROPHETIC ARROWAS AT THE WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT, each for the 12 months of this year, every arrow shall deliver to my life, family and ministry my GLORY LAND in Jesus name.
  12. As I carry out the PROPHETIC ACTION of praying my 12 PRAYER POINTS AT THE WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT, every PILLAR of EVIL will WITHER and I shall be catapulted from STORY TO GLORY in Jesus name.
  14. Pray about the WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT NOW! Pray for me, Dr Chris and all members that will minister that night!
  15. Pray for all the types of workers and music ministers of that night!
  16. Decree journey mercies (TO and FRO) for all who will travel from across the globe to Lagos. Bind VISA DELAYS!
  17. Bind the spirit of losses, accidents or death.
  18. Decree that there will be GREAT JOY in your land after that programme!
  19. Thank the LORD for answered prayers and for your STORY TO GLORY testimony this year and beyond in Jesus name!
  20. DECREE THIS ALOUD NOW: “2019 is my STORY TO GLORY Year and I shall see incredible and uncommon Glory in all facets of my life and endeavours! I shall not end up as a STORY TELLER! I shall not serve God without results to show this year! My life, family and ministry shall move from STORY to GLORY! I decree that my HEAD and destiny shall be CROWNED WITH GLORY! Those that saw SHAME in me in the past, shall see GLORY in me this year! I shall be called “HEPHZIBAH” because men shall see that I am the DELIGHT of the LORD (Isaiah 62:4)! Yea, I shall be called GLORY LAND and BEULAH LAND after the order of Isaiah 62:4, because men shall indeed see that the LORD is in me this year. Ah! There shall be EVIDENCE! I am moving from STORY TO GLORY this year! This generation shall know that I am a SEED that does not expire! Even when fallen/buried to the ground in setbacks, delays or battles, I shall come back stronger and bigger! This is that year! Yes Lord! This is that year of GREATER HEIGHTS! This is that year when the forces of the Gentiles and the hidden riches in secret places shall be my inheritance! I shall be a lender and never a borrower again! Demotion, shame, reproach and ridicule shall REJECT my life and destiny! Evil Altars that were trading with my Glory are catching fire now! I SHALL SHOOT ALL MY ARROWS THIS YEAR and each arrow shall provoke my STORY TO GLORY! Yes! As I shoot my 12 Prophetic Arrows, each Arrow shall be like a TIMEBOMB in the territory of my enemies! The 12 Arrows represent the 12 months of this year (January-December) and each Arrow shall give the devil a Technical Knock-Out concerning my destiny! Because I am moving from STORY TO GLORY this year, my life/ministry shall attract blessings, favour, open doors, breakthroughs, success, prosperity, greatness, new helpers/partners in Jesus name! LORD, I partake of this fast again this year, knowing that You are my GLORY and the LIFTER up of my HEAD! My HEAD is LIFTED above my enemies and they shall serve me this year! My HEAD is LIFTED above situations and circumstances and they shall bow to me this year! My HEAD is LIFTED above the economy of my nation and it is under my feet this year! My former name was STORY! My new name is GLORY and whatever is meant to produce GROANING and GLOOM is cursed by fire and thunder! I shall sow my “SACRIFICIAL STORY-TO-GLORY SEED” (STGS) in this fasting programme and the HAND OF GOD shall move me from the Valley of DRY BONES –emptiness, dryness, hopelessness, lack, want and death, to the Valley of BERACHAH –abundance, faster progress, advancement, acceleration, celebration, jubilation and victory! Yes LORD! And my life, family and ministry shall show that I serve a LIVING GOD even as I determine to be AT THE WORLD ANNOITING NIGHT OF JANUARY 25TH, 2019 AT TBS, LAGOS in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! So help me God! Amen and amen!







Haman prepared gallows to HANG MORDECAI, while Esther on behalf of Mordecai and the Jews in Shushan, prepared a “COUNTER “STORY TO GLORY banquet which cost her something! THAT BANQUET BECAME THE DISGRACE PARTY OF HAMAN! WHAT ARE YOU PREPARING TO COUNTER YOUR HAMAN THIS YEAR? SOW THAT STORY TO GLORY SEED AND WATCH JEHOVAH GOD DISGRACE YOUR HATERS THIS YEAR! Amen and amen! Sow the seed into any account on PAGE 44 and TEXT: “SEND MY GLORY PROVOKING PROPHETIC PRAYER PSLAM (GPPP)” AFTER YOU SOW to receive your prayer Psalm to be prayed for 5 weeks:


See page 44 for account details and Send SMS to:

ZAMBIA: +260-9667-485-41, GHANA: +233-263-991-400, SOUTH AFRICA: +27-79-284-9137, U.K.: +44-7818 36-8223. USA: +1-347-404-2121, NIGERIA: +234-802-342-1513, +234-807-314-6863. E-MAIL; WHATSAPP to: +234 8144-044-226, 080-7314-6863, 080-2315-4316 after sowing! We shall not fail to reply by Hid grace. This is your year!



2019 My Story to Glory Year Contains the following:

* Prayer and Fasting Secrets

* Prayer Bullets Against Stubborn Enemies

* Prayers to begin and End in a Year

*Prayers to End Each New Month

* A 14- Day Fasting Programme

* A 21-Day Fasting Programme

*A miracle Agreement Prayer Within

*Prayer for 2nd half or the Year and Lots More!

“It was food Satan used to bring man to bondage”
Gen: 2:21, 3:1-9

“There’s no easy path to glory, There’s no rosy road to fame; Life, however we may view it,
is no simple parlor game; But it’s prizes call for fighting,
for endurance and for grit; for a rugged disposition”
“When it comes to eating, you can sometimes help yourself more, by helping yourself less
in your taste
for food!”
“Beware of placing the
emphasis on what prayer costs us. It cost God
everything to make it possible
for us to pray.”


Note that when God introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3,He did not says, “I Was” (past tense). He said, “I AM” (fresh and present tense). To really know Him as “I AM’, you must know Him in the present (not in the past). But you cannot know Him in the present (as “I AM”, unless you come to Him everyday through HIS WORD, PRAYER and WORSHIP. This is what OUR DAILY MANNA helps to provide for you and your family, through its organized DAILY PRACTICAL LIFE STORIES, inspirational bible expositions, breakthrough prayer points, songs and strong prophetic declarations See sample of current content.. February 2019 Day 4 Basic Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12-27 The Kennedy Curse: Collective Captivity must end!-1 The “KENNEDY CURSE” is a term for a series of deaths and calamities involving members of the American Kennedy family. Ted Kennedy publicly wondered whether a “curse actually did hang over all the Kennedys” during his own testimony about the Chappaquiddick incident in 1969. In 1941, Rosemary Kennedy was often believed to have been intellectually disabled, and due to her severe mood swings and the worry that she would damage the Kennedy reputation, her father, Joseph Sr., arranged in secret for her to undergo a lobotomy. The lobotomy instead left her unable to walk or speak well, and as a result, Rosemary remained institutionalized until her death in 2005. In August 12, 1944, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. died when his plane exploded over East Suffolk, England, as part of Project Anvil during World War II. In May 13 th, 1948, Kathleen Cavendish, Marchioness of Hartington died in a plane crash in France. InAugust9th, 1963, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died of infant respiratory distress syndrome two days after his premature birth (which itself occurred on the 20th anniversary of his father’s World War II rescue). In November 22,1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey -Oswald. Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby two days later before he could stand trial. Oh! I and my wife visited the popular WASHINGTON D.C. grave of John F. Kennedy in August 2018 just to pray there against COLLECTIVE CAPTIVITY! Wow! The list is endless! They are known for VIOLENT DEATHS! It is a recurring pattern! Even in September 4,2018, Christopher Kennedy Lawford died of a heart attack while doing yoga at a yoga studio in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was 63. Amazing! There are many such families on earth being ravaged with collective captivity like the family of Eli in today’s scripture. Collective captivity is something that affects your family down the line. Everybody goes through it and they will tell you, “this is how it has been.” You must as a child of God rej ect and refute all forms of collective captivity because you have been BORN AGAIN into another family of JEHOVAH THE VICTORIOUS! In the spiritual world, I no longer bear the name Chris Kwakpovwe; I answer the name “Chris JESUS JEHOVAH” – CJJ! SAME APPLIES TO YOU! And since the spiritual controls the physical, then COLLECTIVE CAPTIVITY or any RE­ OCCURRING EVIL cannot rule over you! For instance, today s scripture Verse 27 says, “And there came a man of God unto Eli, and said unto him, ‘Thus saith the LORD…” Did you get that? So the origin of collective captivity in Kft’s family was one man – because he could not control his family! To add salt to injury, his children polluted the altar of God through immorality, extortion, etc. God became angry and laid curses which you will see tomorrow. As we continue tomorrow, I want you to pray the prayers below with holy anger now!…

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago

Team JESUS CHRIST !! Fasting with the team this year…my first time doing the 21 days fasting and am doing well so far!! Thank you for your guidance!

Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago

Going strong with the fasting program…team JESUS CHRIST all the way…bull dozing those pillars in JESUS CHRIST mighty name!!!

5 years ago

Still searching for day 4 prayer points

Victor Otubuere
Victor Otubuere
5 years ago

Still waiting for day 4 prayer points pls

Masondo Busisiwe Ciweh
Masondo Busisiwe Ciweh
4 years ago

Hi there I need to buy the booklet War Against Haman I am in SA pls advise 0670638033

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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