Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022 – YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022


Our Daily Manna ODM
Our Daily Manna ODM


Today’s Ist scripture says in Vs. 7: “When a man’s ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

The LORD is speaking to 29, 267 users of today’s devotional about FEARING ENEMIES OR BEING TOO ENEMY CONSCIOUS THIS YEAR! Truth is that because the heart of man is DECEITFUL and desperately wicked, YOU CANNOT KNOW ALL YOUR ENEMİES! The BIG FORMULA for winning over enemies is: LET YOUR WAYS PLEASE THE LORD!

If you determine that in all you do in 2022, your 1 question will be: “WHAT WILL JESUS DO IF HE WAS IN MY POSITION?” then you CANNOT be HURT by a billion or zillion enemies! By the way, how do you know who loves or hates you in this wicked world? So PLEASE THE LORD daily this year and go to sleep! Yes!

ALSO, READ===> Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022 – YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Because there is a LIMIT TO WHAT YOU CAN SEE AND THERE IS A LIMIT to the battles you can fight! Psalm 60:12 (KJ) says: Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies.” Did you catch that?

Oh, I am jumping/dancing on my writing desk! You can only DISGRACE every hater THROUGH GOD! THROUGH GOD! Not through malice or bitterness! Not |through your physical power! Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022 – YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Not even by changing your city of residence because your stubborn haters can PEEP into your movements! Yea! PLEASE THAT GOD THIS YEAR and you have nothing and NOBODY to fear! The next line says: “THAT SHALL TREAD DOWN OUR ENEMIES!” Another translation (the MSG) says: HE FLATTENS THE OPPOSITION FOR GOD” Yes! Yes! Yes sir/ma! GOD is the FAHTER OF YOUR BATTLES!

Stop running everywhere to discuss you enemies with people FOR HE IT IS and HE ALONE that can deal with every known or unknown enemy (TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW) ONLINE -“MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris Today Tam Nigera time). Is this booklet blessing you?

Help others! Give out 7 copies and I will send you 7 prayer points of: “DO A NEW THING IN ME. O LORD, “Just E-mail: orderodm@gmail.com and let us know! Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022 – YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Onward Christian soldiers…

  1. In your Own words, pray.over today’s word as led now.
  2. Satan, you have lost the battle! You cannot draw me away from God by making me busy, busy, busy or by making me to POSTPONE my fellowship time with God.

  3. I receive grace to PLEASE THE LORD this year! MY WAYS shall please Him! I will rather please God than men this year and I know that I shall know no shame!

  4. Lord, accelerate the following answers to my prayers (mention them now).

  5. Give thanks and pray about today/ this year as led now. Our Daily Manna 2nd Match 2022 – YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

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