Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022



Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022
Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022

CLICK HERE FOR BASIC SCRIPTURE Daily Manna Daily Devotional 21 April 2022

Most instructions that God will send to you for your destiny lifting will never make sense at first instance. For example, the Word of God to Abraham (Genesis 15:1-3); Moses (Exodus 4:10-14); Joshua (1:9, 3:15); Joseph (Matt. 1:19- 20); Jeremiah (1:6), etc, did not make sense

Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

The Word says, His ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-10). When God called great men like Oral Roberts, Late Archbishop Idahosa, Late Lester Sumrall, Pastor Adeboye, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi, etc, it did not make sense then, but it made sense later!

When God called this dust – the writer of this devotional (MYSELF), to drop Pharmacy as a full time profession and go into ministry, it did not make sense. I disobeyed and was struck with Epitasis (bleeding from the nose). It was while I was on admission in the hospital, that I resigned from my PHARMACY job and was healed/discharged on the same day without further medication. Wow!

Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

All the doctors and nurses were shocked, because I had told them that I was ‘Jonah’ in the fish belly (hospital). Also, Naaman considered Elisha’s divine instruction for his healing as nonsense. Consider that God may decide to feed you with a Raven instead of a Dove (1 Kings 17). God may decide to heal you through water and not the laying on of hands (2 Kings 5:11).

Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

He may decide to heal you in dirty River Jordan, instead of high class River Abanah or River Pharpar (2 Kings 5:12-14). Since this is a year of DIVINE SURPRISE, is it not possible for heaven to decide to use the spittle mixed with clay to heal you? Can heaven not decide to feed you through the poor? (1 Kings 17:8-9).

There was a year after our 21- day prayer/fasting programme and seed sowing, etc, that the Lord told me not to anoint the people with oil as in the past years! He said, “Just shake hands with them.” Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

I reluctantly did and great testimonies began coming in! It pays to obey God even when it seems like the most stupid thing to do! Respond to undeserved blessings with unreserved obedience! Divine Surprise awaits you!

TODAY IS DAY 5 Of THE MONTHLY 7-DAY PRAYERS which ends with the anointing service of this Sunday! Theme: “LORD, REMEMBER ME; TURN MY SCARS TO STARS!” JOIN OUR ON-LINE DAILY PRAYER SERVICE TONIGHT via FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide; YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Time: 8pm Nigeria Time.

Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My hope is built…

SWEET ODM Hymns 2nd Quarter (April-June) 2022  – Click Here to sing

  1. Take the song – “My hope is built” at the back of this devotional
    and repent from any disobedience. Receive grace to obey God totally.
  2. Whether the devil likes it or not, I release my life and ministry from every satanic bus-stop. Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

I must rise this year in Jesus name.
Action point: What is the Lord asking you to do? (a) Sow into ODM for paper production? (2) Fasting and praying for someone?
(3) Call to ministry?
(4) Any other issue or instruction? Obey


Manna Online Daily Devotional 21 April 2022 – WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

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