Daily Manna Devotional 26th June 2018
GENESIS 24: 62- 67.
Welcome to today’s encounter with He that is called: JEHOVAH, THE UNCHANGEABLE GOD. In my very primitive years in the faith, anytime I was stressed up or felt like I was drained, I began to search for friends and external things for a refreshing break, yet even the search for Christian friends was not the answer. See previous ODM click here
Daily Manna Devotional 26th June 2018
Reimar Schultz observes: ‘’ At best we get a splash of what we are looking for. Time about God never replaces time with God. Look around your church and tell me whether with all the religious materials, and programs, there are any that come up to the stature of Enoch, Abraham, and Noah. God Himself has been, and always will be the greatest source of information, inspiration, transformation and fellowship.”
Yes! Time about God never replaces time with God! Remember that Isaac was meditating in the field when “he lifted up his eyes, and saw…’’ (Genesis 24:63). MEDITATION 9 (being alone with God) PROVOKES seeing the treasures of your destiny in those Quiet moments! No matter what you are passing through, determine that YOU WILL NEVER RUSH YOUR TIME WITH GOD! That is the time He sets before you gifts and destiny delicacies…. That the hurried man will never access!
Daily Manna Devotional 26th June 2018
Wow! The bible says, “when Jesus had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray (Matthew 14:23).’’ Many who came to see Jesus traveled for days, yet he sent them away so he could pray! Amazing! So, when it comes to your TIME WITH GOD, REFUSE TO PUT IN EMOTIONS! SEND YOUR BEST FRIEND(S), CHILDREN, SPOUSE, TV SERIES, CINEMAS, NEWSPAPER, UNPRODUCTIVE VILLAGE MEETINGS. Etc., AWAY!
To be alone with God, you have to send somebody away! YOUR FRESH OIL, SHARP SPIRITUAL EARS, SHARP INNER EYES or POWER LEVEL, etc., depends on this secret- ALONE WITH GOD! John R.Rice said – “people go wrong in their fellowship before they go wrong in their doctrine.’’ I believe that many must have been offended by His(Jesus) way of life but he didn’t let peoples pressure run his life; it was governed by REGULAR FELLOWSHIP with his Father.
Dear pastor/minister of God/believer, stop pitying the people always! They would soon run dry! SEND THEM AWAY from time to time BE ALONE WITH HE THAT CALLED YOU! If you want access to HIGHER GROUNDS and the “hidden treasures and riches stored in dark places’’. Than being alone with God as a lifestyle is inevitable! Start today! Daily Manna Devotional 26th June 2018
PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. Worship God and pray about the word as it has affected you today. ODM Daily 2018
2. Peace of God, rule over my life and home. Lord, I rest my case in your hands; I refuse to worry concerning the following issues (mention them).
Pray the “Daily Manna And Breakthrough Prayer Points”: CLICK HERE
3. Declare Nahum 1:7 again! The lord is my stronghold in every storm! I will NEVER end up in shame in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna 26 June 2018 – HE SENT THEM AWAY!
4. Pray about today now and loose PEACE the world cannot explain!
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