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Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018 – FEAR: WORSE THAN AID!

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018


Basic Scripture Job 3; 11-26

Don’t talk of power and live in fear in this year 2018. Read this: “Today I saw someone else afraid. For I know fear very well; he has been my constant companion. Fear is terrible than pain! It is good to know fear and go back and conquer it in a greater victory. For all mankind knows fear and live with it but few break out of its poison.

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018

To conquer fear is to step into sunlight from the shadow. It is to have the freedom of the skies. After living in a cage it is to look at life in the face, the past, the present and the future. And to know they are but servants not domineering master, enslaving, crippling, stunting every good potential.”

The above is an instrument of heaven in speaking to you today against fear of the unknown, the unexpected or the future especially as the year runs on with certain unfulfilled expectation of yesteryears. Fear provoked harm for prophet Job. It is still crippling and blocking the potential of many. It is worse than any physical disease! Rebuke fear out year to your thoughts daily this year! Stop imagining death, accident bad news A BAD FUTURE, disagree demotion, etc.

Use GODS word to conquer fear! Isaiah 43: 1 says: “But now this is what the LORD says – He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018

See also psalm 23; 4- Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Oh, I love psalms 34: 4- “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all fear.” That will be your testimony! Let just see Psalm 27: 1- “The LORD is my light and salvation – whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life – of who shall I be afraid?” Nobody and nothing to fear! ODM Today June 11 2018 – FEAR: WORSE THAN AID!

Rebuke thoughts of fear and replace them immediately with words of faith like the one above, which you must openly declare. Use the Prophetic Declarations CLICK HERE and the Gems For Success page of the devotional often get this devotional often! Get this very fast: Fear IS A SPIRIT! What you fear the most will happen to you the most! Be strong! Rebel against fear! You will end well!

PAYER POINT: Take song 2: →  Blessed assurance…
1. In this year 2018 I stand totally against fear and negative thoughts in my life in Jesus name
2. Sprit of confusion/fear, loose your hold over my life. Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 11 June 2018
3. I receive endless protection and victory as this year ends in Jesus name. Pray about today and any other prayer(s) point as u are led now.

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