Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018 – WHEN GOD ASKS YOU QUESTIONS

Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018


Basic Scripture: Ezekiel 37: 1-14

When God asked questions he does not asks for himself because he already knew the answer he asks us question in other to teach and show us security out of every battle we encounters for example. Read Daily Manna 11 June “FEAR: WORSE THAN AIDS” → CLICK HERE

Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018

Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018

1 He asked Adam ‘where are thee’. Sometimes we don’t realize where we are in life and it takes the voice of God to remind us [genesis 3; 9], where we are. That was the first question that GOD ever asked man. It shows that God is interested in where you begin and where you end. Ask yourself this year where am I and where we I end up, success or failure or heaven or hell!

2 He asked Moses what is that you have in your hands. Many time the very blessing you need is always in your hand or around you [exodus 4 2]. When you know the words, then u will know the how to get out of every battle. What you have many be it small but what you do with it is the difference maker. A little out in his hands becomes a multitude remember that Israel stated with just seven souls [exodus 1; 5] it was the little ride on Moses’ hands that became the bomb that paralyses pharaoh forever.

Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018

Refuse to be discouraged. Look up to him with the little in your hands and your words will flourish to become your worldwide decoration. More wisdom on business secrets, CLICK HERE

3 He asked Ezekiel, can those bones live? Sometime you may think a situation in your life has died but GOD is reminding you that with him, nothing dies. All things are possible! What was dead can live again. What was lost can like the axe headswim again this year. That issue and situation is not read and it’s not over [Ezekiel 37vs 3] just hold on and hold out. Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018

4 He asked Abraham, is there anything too hard for GOD? Think about that question as we go through life this year nothing is impossible with him [genesis 18 14]. Impossible is not a fact it is an opinion. Impossible is temporary, impossible is nothing before GOD. When the devil throws the arrow of impossible, you throw the shield of I am impossible.

When life asks you questions, refuse to quit look up to your God he has the answer. This is your year. See the → GEMS FOR SUCCESS

PRAYER POINT: Take Song 4:→ Stand up for Jesus…
1. Thank GOD for today and pray as u are lead. ODM Daily Manna June 11 2018
2. I shall not fail the question that life throws at me.
3. My final destination will not be shame or hellfire. Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018

4. I reject fear and worry because I know that every dry bone will live again and all thinks are possible. I shall testify in Jesus name. Daily Manna Devotional Tuesday 12 June 2018
5. Pray about today seriously and any other issue affecting your peace. You can pray the prophetic declarations → “SATAN MY MOUTH IS YOUR DISGRACE AND DISAPPOINTMENT THIS YEAR (2018)”


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